Give First—Look for ways to help others! It’s “Your EDGE” Over your Competition!!!

Always, Always, Always find ways to help others.  Why? Because it’s like Zig Ziglar said:

 “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

As an Avid Networker and Connector of People, I’m inclined to find time to do some form of networking.

  • Be proactive to ask prospects and clients how you can help them grow their businesses today.
  • Share your own needs by telling prospects and clients what you are looking for, for example, maybe it’s a warm referral to one of their connections.
  • Ask about their closest competitor.  You don’t have to name them by name, just use the opportunity to find out about who else in their sphere of competition might be a great prospect for your products and services.

After all, if you don’t ask, then you have no opportunity to receive.

When you offer to help others, it your chance to shine in your client’s eyes as a trusted advisor and resource.

Peggy Parker Edge ©2022


Peggy Parker Edge is a Certified Professional Coach, LinkedIn® trainer and LI Profile Makeover Artist, and Business Consultant. To work with Peggy, contact her at: