Networking: Be a Resource to your client base.

Networking—to be an effective resource to your prospects and clients, you have to keep your ears open for opportunities to be of service.

Obviously I don’t sell phone systems, provide travel services, or do financial planning.  However, what I do offer my clients is me and my network.  By being a resource to everyone I come into contact with in the marketplace, I provide an invaluable service.

You see, when my clients have a need I want them to think of me first.  Over the years, they have called me to ask for someone to fix the pot-holes in their parking lot;  to ask if I know someone to fill a position within the company; or to ask who I use for my banking needs.

Likewise, you too can be a resource for your client base by making sure that each one of them know you are there to not only be a supplier of products and services but also a provider of connections.  You must ask, “What are your looking for today?”  Be willing to think outside of the box a little bit and stop looking for more sales.

Remember to always look for the opportunity to be of service.  Your connections could be the one thing that sets you apart from your competition…your EDGE Over the Competition!

Peggy Parker Edge (c), 2014