Peggy’s Pointers

Networking: Have a plan

April 3rd, 2016 by

Networking--pictureNetworking: Your results are directly proportional to the effort you put in–have a plan.

Networking is work.  Really!  If you expect to reap maximum benefits from attending and joining a networking organization, it requires more than just showing up, passing out as many business cards as possible and collecting cards from fellow attendees.

To be effective, you must start with a strategic networking plan which boils down to being a part of your overall marketing-sales plan for the year.

To develop your networking roadmap, first you will need to evaluate what you overall objective will be.  A few questions that will help you determine your expected outcome includes:

  • What is my reason for networking? Write down as many criteria that you can identify.
    • Make synergy partner connections?
    • Find more qualified prospects?
    • A need to find educational opportunities?
  • What groups fit my ideal networking profile?
    • Are the members of the same professional level or higher up than I am?
    • Do the industries represented fit my need for a prospective client base?
  • Are the membership maintenance requirements conducive to my schedule?
    • What will be expected of me as an active member?
    • What alternatives are available if I am unable to be in attendance?
  • What do I have to bring to the table?
    • Will my leadership talents, mentoring expertise be of use to the leadership team or other members.
    • Will I have leadership opportunities?
  • What is the overall Return on Investment (ROI) for membership in the group?
    • What are the hard costs of membership? Dues: national/local, meals, etc.
    • What will it cost me in time commitment? Time to get back and forth to the meetings, length of the meetings, time to participate in any additional extracurricular activities associated with membership of the organization.
    • Are there any hidden hard or soft costs associated with involvement as a member?

These are only a few questions that you should be asking yourself as you evaluate the usefulness of a prospective networking group.

Once you have identified not only the details and expectations of joining a networking group but also all of the hard and soft costs of membership, then you are ready to start shopping around to see if there is a local group that fits your requirements.

Next, attend numerous groups as well as several meetings of each group before you make a final decision to join.  Interview several of the members to see what their ROI has been.  Offer to buy the leadership a cup of coffee to explore how you would fit into the organization.

Finally, when you have conducted all of your research, then you will be ready to make an informed decision as to which group is a good fit for you.  After you have made your final decision, re-evaluate your ROI every quarter to make sure you are still meeting the original objectives of your networking plan.

Peggy P. Edge © 2016

30-Second Commercial: How to get THE EDGE

March 4th, 2016 by


What type of results do you receive when you give your 30-Second Commercial at networking events?  Do people really know what you go for a living after sit down?  Have you clearly relayed who is your ideal client?  What product or service do you offer? and Why would prospects have an interest in your offering?

We are like a room full of 2-year olds, you want to grab the audience attention.  If you start with your name and company, you have not created any interest at all.  Therefore, always start your commercial with a question or a statement about your industry.

3-components to a powerful 30-Second Commercial

The core of being an effective networker is your 30-Second Commercial.  There are 3 components to a powerful Elevator Speech.  They are:

  • The WHO – Who are your ideal prospects? Industry, Level of Management, Business/Consumer, Gender, Age, etc.
  • The WHAT – What products or services to you offer? Only talk about 1 and no more than 2 during your commercial.  Create at least 2-3 different commercials that you can use periodically.
  • The WHY – Why do you have the best or only solution in the marketplace? Add in areas of your expertise or mention a certification that gives you THE EDGE.

After you have mentioned all 3 components, then, last of all is your name, title and company.

Finally, the best way to hone your commercial is to:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Time yourself

Edge Consultants train and coach sales teams and sales executives how to get THE EDGE over the competition and grow their business with warm referrals–being effective and focused with their networking activities.  Here is a preview of a few of Peggy’s Pointers on an effective Elevator Speech.

Some of the programs that we offer include:

  • 1-1 coaching
  • Group classes
  • In-House training
  • Teleseminars

If you have a sales team that isn’t making quota or is wasting time cold calling, give us a call to see how we can help you grow your business today with warm referrals.

Peggy P. Edge © 2016

How to Get Recognized as an Expert in your Industry

February 15th, 2016 by

When you see folks in the media being touted as the expert in a particular topic, do you often wonder how they got there?  Or you think, well I know as much as that guy does.  I could have talked about that subject better than he did.

Expert - 10 tips

To set the stage to being seen as an expert in your industry, here are a few steps that you can take

  1. First,make a list of what you know about that you can talk to someone else for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. What do you know that you can teach another person?  This does not have be what you do for a living.  For example, in addition to being a networking guru and packaging expert, I am also a clothing designer and accomplished seamstress with over 150 hours of clothing construction training.
  2. Blog about your expertise.
  3. Create a monthly newsletter and write about how you solved problems for your clients or tips about your area of specialization.
  4. Get involved with trade associations within your industry. Volunteering results in exposure to key industry connections. Offer to present a break-out seminar for your organization.
  5. Write a “how-to” book. Another tips is to take your blog writings and combine them into a book form.
  6. Use social media, specifically, LinkedIn to write about your experience.  Use Twitter to write 1-liner industry tips.
  7. Develop a webinar, seminar or podcast to offer in the marketplace.
  8. Create talking topics of your expertise that are of interest to others.
  9. Look for opportunities to speak at networking events, chambers, civic organizations, schools, trade associations, or corporate sales teams.
  10. Periodically send a press release to the local media to promote your speaking, writing, seminars, etc.

Finally, always ask for testimonials from your clients and followers.  Use those in your own social media to draw attention to you.

Once you start brainstorming about what you know, you may discover a hidden talent that you can parlay into a new career.

Peggy P. Edge © 2016

Networker of the Year 2015

December 10th, 2015 by

Networker Award

I was humbled and honored to be the 2015 recipient of the Jo Wagner Networker of the Year Award by my business-to-business networking organization, Team Networking (

It has been my pleasure to service this organization in a leadership capacity for 15 of the 17 years that I’ve been a member.  I can’t begin to enumerate all of the people that I have come in contact with during this time that has not helped me in one way or another.

Truly I believe Zig Ziglar’s statment:

“If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want.” 

Some of the things that I have accomplished through my membership in TN has been:

  • Edge Packaging Systems – I joined TN at the same time that I was starting my packaging company.
  • I have grown my business strictly from “warm referrals” never cold calling.

I never say to a prospect or client who has a need, “I can’t help you.”  It doesn’t matter that it’s ice for Eskimos.  I will find it or make a connection to someone who can help.  

Why?  Because the competition is always willing to do what someone else in unwilling to do.  Plus, my theory is that if Joe Bob needs, Lucy Jane may need it too!  That’s called:  Your Edge over your Competition!

  • Leadership skills  – Being a leader or teacher was the furthermost from mind.   I offered to fill-in as  the Member Liaison back in 2000 when we only had 1 chapter.  That led me to 15 years of being involved in some aspect of Team’s corporate leadership.
  • Edge Consultants  – After many years of coaching, mentoring and training others in the fine skill-set of networking, several of my advocates said, “Peggy, you need to be paid for your expertise.”  Well, duh! What a concept!
  • I simply put a note on Facebook that said:  “I’m looking for opportunities to speak on Effective Business Networking.  Immediately I received 4 inquiries and 2 of those came to fruition within 2 weeks.
    • Creating and developing the leadership training program at Team has parlayed me into training individuals and corporate sales team on the fine skill-set of networking.
  • Professional Coach – Last year, after having researching ways to expand my consulting business it seemed the next natural step would be for me to certified  as a coach.  This April I received my sheep-skin as a Certified Professional coach. 
  • The most recent venture that I will be undertaking is to help other groups of individuals develop and grow their own networking organizations around the country.

As all of you know, I’m always looking to see how I can Make Connections and Seize Opportunities.  

Thank you Team for all of the opportunities that you have afforded me.  And…I ain’t done yet!


Good Leader Traits

December 9th, 2015 by


leadership-great-leaders-inspire-greatness-in-othersTraits of a good leader include being visionaries, courageous, introspective, empowers, and genuine.  As a leader do you exude each of these attributes?


As a good leader, we are visionaries.  Do you communicate your vision on a regular basis? In order to have everyone jump on-board with the direction that you and/or the company is going, it is critically important to being proactive at reiterating your vision so that it is ever-present in the minds of the team members. It’s okay to be bold, stretch your limits and go for the gold at all times.


As a good leader, we are courageous.  It takes courage to be risk takers, to make mistakes and to be humble learners. It’s okay to get egg on your face periodically.


As a good leader, we are introspective.  We are mindful of our personal capabilities and confines thus identifying and surrounding ourselves with folks that have complimentary skill-sets. It’s okay to admit you can’t be all things to all people and seek outside help on a continual basis.


As a good leader, we are enablers.  We empower those around us to have a voice in decision-making. It’s okay to give up the reigns and encourage others to step out in their excellence.


As a good leader, we are genuine.  We are constantly leading by example. It’s okay to get out from behind your desk, roll up your sleeves and let others see that you are just like them.


Peggy P. Edge © 2015

Networking Etiquette – Manners Matter

August 5th, 2015 by

EtiquetteThe way that you conduct yourself at networking events can be the difference between being seen as a professional or not.  Manners matter when networking.  Some of my pointers look like “no-brainers.” However over the many years as leader of a business-to-business networking group, I can say that I’ve seen lots of folks walk through our doors that seemingly had no clue as to how they come across to others.

  • Dress for success. Simple enough however remember that others are making decisions about you within the first few minutes after they meet you.
  • Come prepared to network. Always carry plenty of business cards, a pen and pad.
  • Electronic devices. Turn off your cell phone and by all means do not text during meetings.  After all, you would never think about texting in front of your best client.  Why is your networking event any different?  It’s not.
  • Always, always, always be on time.  Would you be late to an appointment with your best client?  I don’t think so.
  • Engage and listen.  When you pay attention to what others are saying, you just might make a connection or can be put into a situation to seize an unforeseen opportunity. Like your teacher reminded you in grade school, “Johnny, stop talking and please pay attention.”
  • Create a follow-up plan.  Make sure to respond to any connections that you make within 24-48 hours.
  • Mind your manners.  Yes, remember what your Momma taught you about chewing your food with your mouth closed, no elbows on the table, don’t pick your teeth at the table and excuse yourself if you have to blow your nose!

Next time you attend a networking event, not only polish your shoes but also be cognisant of your networking etiquette because manners matter.  Basically, you want to show up and act in the way you want to be remembered–referable and professional.

Peggy Parker Edge © 2015.

Retirement: Life does not begin at retirement

June 16th, 2015 by

“Life begins at retirement.” ~Anonymous

Recently, Wally and I were at an event with a number of folks that we have known for over 30 years but we haven’t seen any of them in a very long time.  As we renewed our acquaintances, it seemed as if the first question out of their mouth was, “Are you retired now?”

My response to one person was, “Heavens NO! I’ve actually started a second business in the last two years.”

Why is it that people automatically think that when we get to a certain age that everybody retires?  The word “retirement” is not and has never been in my vocabulary.

A better question is, “What are you up to these days?”

I sometimes feel that I have to explain myself as to why I’m still working, “at my age.”  In the era of my grandparents, my Papa closed up his shop when he turned 62, sold all his equipment, came home and sat in the rocking chair until he died there.  He had no hobbies, no outside interests or anything.  He simply rocked in that chair for years watching cars go up and down the street.

I feel like I still have lots to accomplish and lots to help mentor those individuals coming up in this world.  I guess if I wasn’t getting business and people were not hiring me, then there might be a little hint that it’s time to hang up my high-heels and suits to take up knitting.  However, until that day comes, I am still out there, doing what I thoroughly love.

Of course, I do have a very flexible schedule, don’t report to anyone except myself, and can plan my days as I see fit.  Maybe that makes a difference but I don’t really think so.  Even if you punch a time-clock 8-5 and you still enjoy what you do, keep going.

I truly do not believe that life begins at retirement.  Life begins when you are doing what you love to do, whatever that is.

Peggy P. Edge (c) 2015

Prejudice eats away at our heart and soul!

June 10th, 2015 by

Thank you Dale Hansen, Sportscaster, WFAA-Dallas for your commentary on prejudice.

I have been so saddened and repulsed about the incidents occurring in Ferguson, Missouri and now in our own back yards of Flower Mound and McKinney.

The definition of prejudice is

Prejudice eats away at our heart and soul.  It is a learned behavior.  The definition is:  “a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.”

I made a comment to a friend recently, “We have gone back in time 50 years to lose the ground that was claimed in Selma.”

I was raised in deep East Texas during the 50s where even today there is a saying, “The necks of some of the people are redder than the clay.”   I thank God that my family did not raise me that way–to be a prejudice person but to be accepting of others.

Last week having lunch with a lady in my networking group, somehow the subject came up about Chris/Caitlyn Jenner’s life choice.  We discussed some of the issues going on in our country right now with regard to discrimination, bias, judgments and perceptions of others.

I made the statement to her, “I don’t care if you are polka-dotted, pea-green-over-lavender, God made all of us.”

I don’t have to agree with or understand another person’s life style or choices. Everyone is a human being, deserving of love, compassion, and acceptance.

Why did I make this comment?  Because the Lord dictates to us to love our neighbor as ourselves.  It isn’t my job to judge them.  It simply is all of our jobs to treat one another as we would want to be treated.

We are all different in one way or another.  After all, God made us the way that we are.

As a child, I had my share of kids poking fun at me because of my red hair.  I can’t tell you how many times my classmates would say, “I’d rather be dead than red on the head.”  

I know to some people that statement might seem to be nothing more than childish teasing and would say that all kids tease each other for something. However, the tongue is stronger than a two-edge sword.  I could have easily taken those words to heart and developed a chip on my shoulder for life but I didn’t.

When God gave me a red-headed son, 49 years ago today, kids would often tease him about his red hair.  I would say, “Next time they say that to you, tell them they are just jealous because you have something they don’t have.”  I don’t know if he every retorted with this comment but I wanted him to understand that he was special.

In business we talk about the fact that you only have 5 seconds to make an impression on someone when you enter a room.  This is very true.  We make judgments based upon our own life experiences and prejudices.

Diversity embraces acceptance and respect.  In William Cowper’s poem, “The Task” (1785), he says: “Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.”

We absolutely must teach our children that it is not okay to ostracize someone because they are different.  Teach them instead that everyone is unique. Teach them that we are special in our own rights.

When we judge folks based upon who they are, what they stand for, what they believe, or for any reason, we dilute and diminish ourselves.

Henry David Thoreau said, “If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.”

I’m proud of the fact that I’m different and march to the beat of my own drum.  That is what makes my friends call me “Wild Woman!”

Peg Boot in Door


Peggy P. Edge (c) 2015

Thumbtack – a website for finding potential clients

June 1st, 2015 by

Recently I completed a professional coaching certification.  As part of the training exercises, my instructor suggested that each of us sign up for Thumbtack as a means of finding new clients.

Thumbtack is a website whereby you can hire professionals on a contract bases for a variety of projects.  Whether you are looking for someone to speak, to hire a professional consultant, or even need to find a lawn maintenance company in your area of town, this is a place to find those types of service businesses.

I have been using Thumbtack for a couple of months now and have received numerous requests for quotation. If any of you might be interested in doing the same, you can go to their website and sign up for free at:

If you are looking for a business coach, speaker, or sales trainer, you can also connect with me through my Thumbtack profile: <a href=””>business consultant</a>

Peggy P. Edge (c) 2015

Business Advocates: How to develop and grow your business

June 1st, 2015 by

Are you developing and training your business connections to be your advocate?  It isn’t enough just to have someone refer you to someone else.

Advocate--1 person brings in 3 people

What you have to do is to make sure that your connections know you and your business to the point that they truly advocate for you.

The definition of an advocate is:  “a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc; a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.”

How can you apply this definition to your own business?  Let’s look at some ways to train and develop your connections to be your advocate:

–Plan and conduct 1-1 meetings on a regular basis. I recommend at least 1-2 times/year.

–Be prepared to relay a success story of how you have helped a client.

–Glean essential information from them so that you will be able to make referrals when talking to others.

–Create a spreadsheet list of key connections along with their industry, email address and phone number that you can pass along when meeting with clients and prospects.

–Always keep your connections top-of-mind every time you meet with a client or prospect.

–Ask your clients and prospects what other things they have need of; what are their future plans that might spark need that you can make a recommendation of a business associate.

–Become known as the “go-to” resource of connections for your clients.

I firmly believe that the primary EDGE that I have over my competition is that my clients know that no matter what product or service they are looking for, they can call me with confidence to ask for a referral.

Peggy P. Edge (c) 2015