"Start-Up" Businesses

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

Business Networking - Do you know your ROI?

Have you calculated your actual ROI on your Business Networking activities?  If not, why not? Periodically you should figure out exactly what it is costing you in not only hard dollars but soft costs to attend any networking function. Hard Costs include:  Membership Dues, Chapter Dues, etc. Soft Costs include:  Drive time, Meeting time, and any time that you spend outside of the actual event having a 1-1 with either synergy partners or prospective clients. Ask yourself, am I getting out of this group or activity exactly what I planned or expected?  If not, it might be time to make a change.  Look read more…

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial

Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about. Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will: Paint a verbal picture. Establishes you as an expert in your field. Profiles you and your company. The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this: Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service. read more…

Peggy's Pointers - Cardinal Rules of Effective Business Networking

To be effective in your business networking, You’ve Gotta Look and Act Professional! These tips seem simple enough but after many years as a leader in a business-to-business networking organization, these are some key elements that must always be kept in mind when preparing to attend these types of events. Dress for Success – to be considered professional, you must dress like you mean business! Bring plenty of business cards, pen, and paper. Look people in the eye when greeting and speaking to others. Always give a firm handshake. Ladies, shake a man’s hand like you mean it. Gentlemen, shake a lady’s hand read more…

30-second commercial

Networking - How to Create an Effective 30-Second Commercial

How many times have you attended a networking function only to find that everyone there gives virtually the same 30-Second Commercial?  It goes something like this… “Hi, my name is Lucy Jane Jones and I am an Account Representative for Jones Sales Associates.”  Uh, I sell Wonderful Widgets.  If you have a need of a Wonderful Widget, we give $10.00 discount if you mention my name at checkout.  Hmmm, our office is just down the street on the next corner in the bright shiny high-rise on the left.  Omm, you can call me anytime and I’ll be glad to demonstrate our Widget to read more…

30-Second Commercial: How to get THE EDGE

  What type of results do you receive when you give your 30-Second Commercial at networking events?  Do people really know what you go for a living after sit down?  Have you clearly relayed who is your ideal client?  What product or service do you offer? and Why would prospects have an interest in your offering? We are like a room full of 2-year olds, you want to grab the audience attention.  If you start with your name and company, you have not created any interest at all.  Therefore, always start your commercial with a question or a statement about your industry. 3-components read more…

30-Second Commercial = Painting a Verbal Picture

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your 30-second commercial or elevator speech?  You are attempting to paint a verbal picture in the minds of those in the room so they clearly and concisely know what you do and exactly how they can help you. As the president of a business-to-business networking organization for 4 years, I had the opportunity to travel between 7 chapters to train and mentor chapter leaders as well as members on the fine art of networking. Networking is a “learned skill-set” and with just a few pointers, you can reap maximum results the next time that you read more…

Networking: Conveying your Who-What-Why

When you give your 30-Second Commercial at a networking event, do you just stand up, open your mouth and hope the right words to come out?  You are shooting yourself in the foot unless you plan in advance what you are going to say.  Developing a good elevator speech requires some forethought. A well-crafted commercial will answer 3 questions:  Who, What, and Why. Who are your clients or prospects? Be specific with the levels of management that you call on as well as the industry niche that you work within or are expecting to break into.  Example:  I work with______________. What the products read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Peggy's Pointers - GateKeepers and How to get Past

How do you to Get Past the GateKeeper? Being in sales for over 30 years I’ve had my fair share of cold calling and furthermore my fair share of trying to get past the GateKeeper…that person who holds the keys to the door to the most important person on my call list for the day. The most interesting conversation with a GateKeeper I’ve ever had involved me walking into a company one day and asking the receptionist who I would need to talk to who purchased their packaging products.  The lady said, “Well that would be Joe Bob.”  So I asked, “Would it read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial

Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about. Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will: Paint a verbal picture. Establishes you as an expert in your field. Profiles you and your company. The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this: Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service. read more…

"The Edge" Over Your Competition!

Good Morning Everyone, This blog is going to be all about tips, tricks, and pointers on how to have “The Edge” over your competition. For 30 years, I have attended sales seminars, heard some of the best in the industry of leadership, management, sales and training. I realized recently when my husband and I downsized our home that many things that we had collected over the years were going to have to be sold, given away, thrown away, or stashed in the attic. One of the things that I discovered in cleaning out my office was folders on top of folders of notes read more…

Business Networking

Give First—Look for ways to help others! It’s “Your EDGE” Over your Competition!!!

Always, Always, Always find ways to help others.  Why? Because it’s like Zig Ziglar said:  “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” As an Avid Networker and Connector of People, I’m inclined to find time to do some form of networking. Be proactive to ask prospects and clients how you can help them grow their businesses today. Share your own needs by telling prospects and clients what you are looking for, for example, maybe it’s a warm referral to one of their connections. Ask about their closest competitor.  You don’t have to read more…

Key Elements to an Effective Networking Plan 

Networking = Work!  Just like a Marketing Plan for your business, everyone needs a Networking Plano to grow their business exclusively with warm referrals. Identify exactly what type of networking you expect to engage in.Where do your prospects come from?  Business-to-Business or Business-to-Consumer?What levels of management do you target?Do you concentrate on a particular industry?Include your networking goals, objectives, and basic agenda for each event.Evaluate the Return on Investment (ROI) that you expect to receive from attending a group or meeting.ROI isn’t just your “hard costs” of membership or chapter dues.Determine your “soft costs”.How much time does your networking require?  Drive time?Are you read more…

Recommendations - Building Your Personal Brand with LinkedIn

Did you know that when you give or receive a LinkedIn Recommendation, it can help build your Personal Brand? You can use this feature to build your credibility as an expert in your industry. When and how to give or request includes:► Be specific in your request.► Include a few suggestive keywords► As a prompt for the writer, list 2-3 of your key skills► Layout how the person’s expertise contributed to the overall success of the service they providedIdeas where a recommendation is warranted:► In-house corporate Team Projects – as a Team Leader, describe how a particular member of the team was instrumental in bringing read more…

Certified Executive Coach

I just completed my Executive Coaching Certification from the Professional Coach Academy. License No: 012-058 February 18, 2021 (No Expiration Date)

Vengreso Certification - Selling with LinkedIn for Individuals

I am happy to report that I have recently completed an online certification program by Vengreso, “Selling with LinkedIn for Individuals.” This certification program is a comprehensive 9-Module training on all of the key elements of your LinkedIn profile.  The class included: Module 1 – “Why You Need to Change Your Digital Sales Mindset”Module 2 – “Get Off to a Fast Start – Building a Strong Foundation”Module 3 – “Be More Attractive – Your LinkedIn profile Makeover”Module 4 – “Learning to Engage by Finding the Right People”Module 5 – “Best Practices for Learning to Connect – Inbound”Module 6 – “Best Practices for Learning read more…

LinkedIn Notifications - Engage Prospects & Clients

How often do you engage with your LinkedIn prospects and clients using LI Notifications? One of the best ways to keep up with what’s happening with your peeps is to consistently monitor your LI Notifications. This is where you learn who the movers-n-shakers are in your professional circles. Here are 9 types of LI notifications: 1) A new job change 2) A promotion within the existing company 3) Work Anniversaries 4) Who Viewed your Profile 5) Updated location 6) Share a Post 7) Having a Birthday 8) Was Live on LI 9) Received an Award or Honor All of these notifications are excellent read more…

Job Change? How to Update your LinkedIn® Profile

Recently, I received two job change notifications from my LinkedIn® connections. I went out to take a look at their profiles expecting to see some information about these new positions. To my dismay, neither of my connections had updated their LI profile appropriately. One person still had their previous job title listed in their headline. The other person had not updated the website of their new company. Anytime that you have a major change to your career, be proactive to update your LinkedIn® profile as soon as possible. When making a job change, here is the relevant information pieces that you need to read more…

LinkedIn® Summary – Outlines your Personal Brand

Your LinkedIn® Summary can be used to layout your personal brand. This is where you can shine to the marketplace.  Remember that prospects and clients alike will vet you through your LinkedIn® Profile. You want to look as professional as possible on paper. The old saying that people make a judgment about you within the first few minutes of meeting you applies to your professional LI profile as well. This is why your LI Summary is so very important. To craft an effective Summary here are a few pointers that you can include to help outline your expertise, your company and what/how others read more…

LinkedIn Recommendations--Give to Get

Have you received recent recommendations through LinkedIn?  Instead of waiting for others to recommend you and your work, be proactive:  “Give to Get”–Be willing to reach out to a few of your key connections and write a recommendation of their work and expertise.Don’t be shy to ask for a recommendation from a client or one of your LI connections who knows your work ethic and/or industry expertise.If you have a recent project that you have completed with a client, use this opportunity to solicit how well they are pleased with your work by asking them if they would be willing to write you read more…

Cold Calling is Dead!

Cold Calling is DEAD!  Would you like to grow your business exclusively with warm referrals?   For over 20 years, in the industrial packaging business, I have been growing my business through my professional circle of connections, never cold calling! I’m a firm believer that you can “Make Connections and Seize Opportunities”™ solely through your professional circle of connections to close more sales. Using a 5-step program I developed several years ago on effective networking techniques, I now work with individuals, sales managers, and sales teams how to replicate the system in your business to book more business. I will coach you: How to draft read more…

Effective Business Networking-Lead Generation: Look and Act Professional

To be effective with your business networking-lead generation activities, you must look and act professionally at all times.  After many years as a leader in a business-to-business networking organization, I’ve seen my share of people who do not or act professionally.  Here are a few of my pointers on how everyone can increase their professional presence at your next networking event: Dress for Success– to be considered professional, you must dress like you mean business! Come Prepared – Bring plenty of business cards, a pen, and paper. Be on time – Would you be late to a prospect’s or client’s office.? Absolutely not!  read more…

Getting the Most out of LinkedIn® as a Marketing Tool

LinkedIn® is one of the most powerful marketing tools that you have in your sales toolbox.  Use LinkedIn to get recognized as an expert in your industry; research companies and their key management teams; and to connect for former colleagues and vendors. Here are a few of Peggy’s Pointers to help you get the most out of LinkedIn: Connect ASAP As with any networking activity, be prudent to follow-up with a prospective connection within 24-72 hours. Things happen and sometimes we get behind the 8-ball. If there has been a time-lag since you met the prospective connection, be bold and remind your contact read more…

LinkedIn(R) - Use to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

   LinkedIn®(LI) is marketing tool that can help you get recognized as an expert in your industry.  It is an extremely powerful marketing tool of which we can all benefit.  I am a coach and teacher on how to create an effective LI profile.  Recently I provided a presentation on LI to my networking chapter which is made up of 16 members.  I was amazed by previewing all of our members’ profiles as to how many have incomplete profiles. The thing I’ve learned about LinkedIn® over the years is that most people think of this program as a tool for head hunters and read more…

WOVI - 15th Year Celebration - Annual Conference

Peggy Campagna, Peggy Edge, Debra Sanford – Great time on Saturday, April 22nd with the ladies of WOVI – Women of Visionary Influence, celebrating their 15 years as a dynamic organization.  

Networking - How to Create an Effective 30-Second Commercial

How many times have you attended a networking function only to find that everyone there gives virtually the same 30-Second Commercial?  It goes something like this… “Hi, my name is Lucy Jane Jones and I am an Account Representative for Jones Sales Associates.”  Uh, I sell Wonderful Widgets.  If you have a need of a Wonderful Widget, we give $10.00 discount if you mention my name at checkout.  Hmmm, our office is just down the street on the next corner in the bright shiny high-rise on the left.  Omm, you can call me anytime and I’ll be glad to demonstrate our Widget to read more…

Business Networking

Business Networking–what is it? Is Business Networking about attending a meeting,  gathering  business cards, calling those contacts to sell them?  Absolutely not! Many of us are sitting at our desks today trying to figure out where we are going in 2017 and how we will get there with our business.   Let’s explore a few key points that you can work on to get started for the year. It is: Being Passionate about Giving First. Zig Ziglar wrote in Closing the Sale:  “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Most read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

Face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers for many years.  Some of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to it’s fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at networking but I work on it every day. Folks, social media is here to stay and we might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy at one more way to make connections so that we are able to seize opportunities. To improve your overall read more…

Networking: Have a plan

Networking: Your results are directly proportional to the effort you put in–have a plan. Networking is work.  Really!  If you expect to reap maximum benefits from attending and joining a networking organization, it requires more than just showing up, passing out as many business cards as possible and collecting cards from fellow attendees. To be effective, you must start with a strategic networking plan which boils down to being a part of your overall marketing-sales plan for the year. To develop your networking roadmap, first you will need to evaluate what you overall objective will be.  A few questions that will help you read more…

30-Second Commercial: How to get THE EDGE

  What type of results do you receive when you give your 30-Second Commercial at networking events?  Do people really know what you go for a living after sit down?  Have you clearly relayed who is your ideal client?  What product or service do you offer? and Why would prospects have an interest in your offering? We are like a room full of 2-year olds, you want to grab the audience attention.  If you start with your name and company, you have not created any interest at all.  Therefore, always start your commercial with a question or a statement about your industry. 3-components read more…

Networking Etiquette - Manners Matter

The way that you conduct yourself at networking events can be the difference between being seen as a professional or not.  Manners matter when networking.  Some of my pointers look like “no-brainers.” However over the many years as leader of a business-to-business networking group, I can say that I’ve seen lots of folks walk through our doors that seemingly had no clue as to how they come across to others. Dress for success. Simple enough however remember that others are making decisions about you within the first few minutes after they meet you. Come prepared to network. Always carry plenty of business cards, read more…

Thumbtack - a website for finding potential clients

Recently I completed a professional coaching certification.  As part of the training exercises, my instructor suggested that each of us sign up for Thumbtack as a means of finding new clients. Thumbtack is a website whereby you can hire professionals on a contract bases for a variety of projects.  Whether you are looking for someone to speak, to hire a professional consultant, or even need to find a lawn maintenance company in your area of town, this is a place to find those types of service businesses. I have been using Thumbtack for a couple of months now and have received numerous requests read more…

Business Advocates: How to develop and grow your business

Are you developing and training your business connections to be your advocate?  It isn’t enough just to have someone refer you to someone else. What you have to do is to make sure that your connections know you and your business to the point that they truly advocate for you. The definition of an advocate is:  “a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc; a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.” How can you apply this definition to your own business?  Let’s look at some ways to train and develop your connections read more…

Living Life on the Edge: Growing up in a Storm Cellar

I tell people that I was raised in a storm cellar.  I was born and raised in a small Northeast Texas town. Growing up in the mid-50s, every spring we had horrific electrical storms. My grandmother, mother and our bulldog, Judy, were all terrified of storms. When storms would roll in, my Papa would go out in the back yard and watch it.  He would decide when the time was right for us to go to the storm cellar. As is the normal event of things, storms always seemed to come in the night. When I was 10 years old, my mom worked read more…

30-Second Commercial = Painting a Verbal Picture

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your 30-second commercial or elevator speech?  You are attempting to paint a verbal picture in the minds of those in the room so they clearly and concisely know what you do and exactly how they can help you. As the president of a business-to-business networking organization for 4 years, I had the opportunity to travel between 7 chapters to train and mentor chapter leaders as well as members on the fine art of networking. Networking is a “learned skill-set” and with just a few pointers, you can reap maximum results the next time that you read more…

GadgetGirls from Plano ISD

What an exciting treat to received this signed poster today from the young ladies at Christie Elementary School, Plano ISD, from when I spoke to their class a couple of months ago on “What’s New in Packaging?”PISD Gadgert Girls Poster 2-2015

Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce - Peggy Edge presents

Peggy Edge presented “How to get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry” yesterday at the Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce.  Great group of folks and enjoyed meeting every one of you. Don’t forget to identify your passion and create a plan to start writing and speaking about it.  Everyone has a message or story that someone else needs to hear. Kathy Rushmore Schlund “And you were fantastic, Peggy! Thank you for gracing us again with your humor, knowledge and care.”

Networking: "Place your Cell Phone on Silent"

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your electronic devices in silent mode during the meeting today.” Is it acceptable to make a phone call; send or receive text; or read your email while meeting with a prospect or client?  The answer is NO! I would venture to say that none of us would ever think about doing this in front of a client or prospect.   Yet week after week many of my fellow members of my networking group engage in some form of cell phone usage during our meeting. Why, then, has it become acceptable to text and read email it at networking read more…

Peggy Edge presents at Dallas Referrals Network

Peggy Edge presented “Key Steps to Effective Business Networking” to the Plano Chapter of Dallas Referrals Networking on Friday, January 16th. Her presentation included the importance of determining your Return on Investment (ROI) for all networking activities; crafting an effective 30-second commercial; and identifying and training synergy partners so that they can help you grow your business with warm referrals.

Strategic Networking Plan

A Strategic Networking Plan is a “must-have” inclusion in an overall Marketing Plan for any business or individual. When you map out a plan of attack, for your networking activities truly, you can be extremely successful growing your business with a plethora of warm introductions and referrals thus minimizing the need to cold call. Here are a few key steps to drafting a Networking Plan: Return on Investment (ROI) Start by evaluating last year’s results. Assign a cost to your hard and soft expenses – How much does it cost you in time to attend each event? Identification of Strategic Partnerships Create a list read more…

Networking: Conveying your Who-What-Why

When you give your 30-Second Commercial at a networking event, do you just stand up, open your mouth and hope the right words to come out?  You are shooting yourself in the foot unless you plan in advance what you are going to say.  Developing a good elevator speech requires some forethought. A well-crafted commercial will answer 3 questions:  Who, What, and Why. Who are your clients or prospects? Be specific with the levels of management that you call on as well as the industry niche that you work within or are expecting to break into.  Example:  I work with______________. What the products read more…

Networking: Last Quarter Coasting or Scrambling

As we embark on the last quarter of the year, what are your plans for your business? Are you beginning to coast because you’ve already met quota? Or…are you scrambling to network so you can finish the year on top? If you are coasting, don’t do that.  Your competition is nipping at your heels.  Start working on next year’s plan. If you are in scrambling mode, take a deep breath, re-group and tweak your plan.  Some of the things you can do to tweak your plan include: Make sure you have identified everyone in your Connection Circle.  Think about any group that you read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

For many years, face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers.   Many of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to its fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at social media but I work on it every day.  Like they say, “I ain’t there yet but I’m getting there little-by-little.” Let’s face it, social media is here to stay.  We might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy with every possible way read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

National Speakers Association - Certificate of Completion 2014 Speakers Academy

For the last year I have been attending the Speakers Academy of the National Speakers Association.  This has been a wonderful experience to sit among so many mentors in the public speaking arena and to learn everything that I can to grow my speaking business.  The wealth of knowledge that the North Texas Chapter has is phenomenal. It’s really exciting when folks willingly give of their time and expertise to coach and train the pups in the industry. Thank you to our Co-Deans,  Stu Schlackman and Dave Hill for your dedication to making this a wonderful experience for all of us.  Finally a read more…

Sales: Face-to-face interaction

“Rapport is not developed over the telephone.  Face-to-face interaction develops long-term business relationships.” Byrd Baggett. In sales, building and developing long-term relationships are critical to growing your business.  Consequently this statement about face-to-face interaction by Baggett back in 1997 is still so very relevant today to your success not only in sales but also in life. With everyone using electronic devices to communicate these days, our society is becoming a group of people who do not know how to carry on an intelligent conversation with another person. In an article by Virginia Acacio, “The Benefits of Face-to-Face Communications” she talks about the fact read more…

Sales: How consistent are you?

Peggy’s Pointer on Business:  Definition of Consistency is “the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.” Think about professional athletes – most of them are not superstars like Michael Jordan but they achieve their professional status by performing at a high level of consistently over and over. What successes have you had over the past years?  Figure out by looking at your last year to see where you have been the most consistent and how that has worked for you. Peggy P. Edge (c) 2014

Salesperson: Likability or Credibility--which do you want?

Likability or Credibility:  As a salesperson, do you want to be liked or do you want to be considered credible? Many sales gurus say that people only buy from those they like.  I’ll be the first to say, I want others to like me.  However, the litmus test for all of us as salespeople is not likability but is credibility. Just a few pointers that I expect to convey to my prospects and clients: To be considered credible and believable To be regarded as trustworthy To be viewed as an expert in my industry To be relied upon for the knowledge of my read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Networking: Be a Resource to your client base.

Networking—to be an effective resource to your prospects and clients, you have to keep your ears open for opportunities to be of service. Obviously I don’t sell phone systems, provide travel services, or do financial planning.  However, what I do offer my clients is me and my network.  By being a resource to everyone I come into contact with in the marketplace, I provide an invaluable service. You see, when my clients have a need I want them to think of me first.  Over the years, they have called me to ask for someone to fix the pot-holes in their parking lot;  to read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Business Networking - Do you have a Plan?

So many times over the 15 years that I have been involved in my local B2B networking group, I have seen people come and go never understanding exactly what they are doing there or why there are there.  The main reason is they have not created an action plan or road-map. Just like any good sales plan, you should also have a detailed plan for your business networking activities. Here are a few pointers that your plan must include: Basic Membership Requirements: Include not only dollars/cents but also the soft costs too, like time investment. Dues and Meals:  These dues could be national, state read more…

Business Networking: What is it exactly?

What exactly does the term Business Networking mean?  Over the many years that I’ve been involved in a B2B networking organization, I have been able to narrow the definition down to 5 Key pointers: –It is:  Being Passionate about Giving First. –It is:  Building and Developing Synergy Partners. –It is:  Sharing your expertise and talents. –It is:  Being a resource and connector of people. –It is:  You’re EDGE over your Competition! When you can incorporate and accomplish all of these elements in your sales activities, you will not have to cold call again.  For 15 years that I have owned my packaging company, I have read more…

ROI - Business Networking

What you see is what you get!  How many times do we apply this little statement to things we do or think?  Yet when it comes to Business Networking, do you really know what you are getting out of your networking efforts?  It’s not all about $$/cents. A few of Peggy’s Pointers on networking could net really great results: Have clear cut goals for your networking activities. Set aside time to develop the connections you make at events so that they become relationships, not just someone on a list of people you know. Work on your 30-second commercial so that others will know read more…

Fourth of July

Today is the 4th of July.  Give thanks that we live in a country where all possibilities of success are there for the discovery. I have been reading a book:  “Amazing Women of the Civil War” by Webb Garrison.  This is a compilation of stories about women on both the North and South describing their involvement to the cause. What strikes me as so amazing is that none of these women are portrayed as a Scarlet O’Hara.  Instead they were all very talented, some highly educated, others simply wanted to be involved and contribute to their beliefs. Some were spies like Sarah Edmonds, read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Business: What is Your Consistency Level?

Consistency –  “ The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.” Think about professional athletes – most of them are not superstars like Michael Jordan but they achieve their professional status by performing at a high level of consistently over and over. How consistent are you at what you do best?  When you figure this out, it will be “your Edge over your competition.  Therefore, examine your successes; create an action plan to do more of this; then, go for it! Peggy P. Edge © 2013

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…

Peggy's Pointers - GateKeepers and How to get Past

How do you to Get Past the GateKeeper? Being in sales for over 30 years I’ve had my fair share of cold calling and furthermore my fair share of trying to get past the GateKeeper…that person who holds the keys to the door to the most important person on my call list for the day. The most interesting conversation with a GateKeeper I’ve ever had involved me walking into a company one day and asking the receptionist who I would need to talk to who purchased their packaging products.  The lady said, “Well that would be Joe Bob.”  So I asked, “Would it read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

Business Networking - Do you know your ROI?

Have you calculated your actual ROI on your Business Networking activities?  If not, why not? Periodically you should figure out exactly what it is costing you in not only hard dollars but soft costs to attend any networking function. Hard Costs include:  Membership Dues, Chapter Dues, etc. Soft Costs include:  Drive time, Meeting time, and any time that you spend outside of the actual event having a 1-1 with either synergy partners or prospective clients. Ask yourself, am I getting out of this group or activity exactly what I planned or expected?  If not, it might be time to make a change.  Look read more…

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial

Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about. Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will: Paint a verbal picture. Establishes you as an expert in your field. Profiles you and your company. The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this: Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service. read more…

To write or not to write...that is the question!

Hugh Prather wrote in “Notes to Myself,” “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.” With the invention of social media, that is all we are doing now is writing.  All of us are writing about something–our likes, dislikes, our religious persuasion, our political stance, comments on cats, dogs, ex-husbands and wives, etc. Because every single one of us is an expert in something, now we have the venue to spout out our innermost thoughts and opinions. For years, I thought my only expertise was what I did for a living–packaging.  I don’t read more…

Peggy's Pointers - Cardinal Rules of Effective Business Networking

To be effective in your business networking, You’ve Gotta Look and Act Professional! These tips seem simple enough but after many years as a leader in a business-to-business networking organization, these are some key elements that must always be kept in mind when preparing to attend these types of events. Dress for Success – to be considered professional, you must dress like you mean business! Bring plenty of business cards, pen, and paper. Look people in the eye when greeting and speaking to others. Always give a firm handshake. Ladies, shake a man’s hand like you mean it. Gentlemen, shake a lady’s hand read more…

"The Edge" Over Your Competition!

Good Morning Everyone, This blog is going to be all about tips, tricks, and pointers on how to have “The Edge” over your competition. For 30 years, I have attended sales seminars, heard some of the best in the industry of leadership, management, sales and training. I realized recently when my husband and I downsized our home that many things that we had collected over the years were going to have to be sold, given away, thrown away, or stashed in the attic. One of the things that I discovered in cleaning out my office was folders on top of folders of notes read more…

Edge Packaging Systems

Peggy Edge Speaks to Plano ISD GadgetGirls Class

I was so very thrilled to be presenting “What’s New in Packaging” to 3rd-5th grade girls this week.  Plano ISD has a grant that is geared toward young ladies introducing them to science and math as a career choice. These young folks are using their math skills to create and design a package for a product.  I showed them examples of packaging products that they would never see as most of my products are discarded at the shipping dock before they go into the retail store. Here are some samples of their work: Congrats PISD for encouraging young ladies into the packaging business. read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…


LinkedIn(R) - Use to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

   LinkedIn®(LI) is marketing tool that can help you get recognized as an expert in your industry.  It is an extremely powerful marketing tool of which we can all benefit.  I am a coach and teacher on how to create an effective LI profile.  Recently I provided a presentation on LI to my networking chapter which is made up of 16 members.  I was amazed by previewing all of our members’ profiles as to how many have incomplete profiles. The thing I’ve learned about LinkedIn® over the years is that most people think of this program as a tool for head hunters and read more…

WOVI - 15th Year Celebration - Annual Conference

Peggy Campagna, Peggy Edge, Debra Sanford – Great time on Saturday, April 22nd with the ladies of WOVI – Women of Visionary Influence, celebrating their 15 years as a dynamic organization.  

Networking - How to Create an Effective 30-Second Commercial

How many times have you attended a networking function only to find that everyone there gives virtually the same 30-Second Commercial?  It goes something like this… “Hi, my name is Lucy Jane Jones and I am an Account Representative for Jones Sales Associates.”  Uh, I sell Wonderful Widgets.  If you have a need of a Wonderful Widget, we give $10.00 discount if you mention my name at checkout.  Hmmm, our office is just down the street on the next corner in the bright shiny high-rise on the left.  Omm, you can call me anytime and I’ll be glad to demonstrate our Widget to read more…

President's Award-2016-National Speakers Association, North Texas

I have been a member of the National Speakers Association for three years.  Back in the summer, I was honored with the 2016 President’s Award of the National Speakers Association of North Texas. If you have an interest in becoming a public speaker, you might check out the NSA organization.  It is a great learning experience to jump-start you into the professional speaking industry. www.nsaspeaker.org (National’s website) www.speaker.org  (North Texas Chapter of NSA)

Networker of the Year 2015

I was humbled and honored to be the 2015 recipient of the Jo Wagner Networker of the Year Award by my business-to-business networking organization, Team Networking (www.teamnetworking.com) It has been my pleasure to service this organization in a leadership capacity for 15 of the 17 years that I’ve been a member.  I can’t begin to enumerate all of the people that I have come in contact with during this time that has not helped me in one way or another. Truly I believe Zig Ziglar’s statment: “If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want.”  Some read more…

Networking Etiquette - Manners Matter

The way that you conduct yourself at networking events can be the difference between being seen as a professional or not.  Manners matter when networking.  Some of my pointers look like “no-brainers.” However over the many years as leader of a business-to-business networking group, I can say that I’ve seen lots of folks walk through our doors that seemingly had no clue as to how they come across to others. Dress for success. Simple enough however remember that others are making decisions about you within the first few minutes after they meet you. Come prepared to network. Always carry plenty of business cards, read more…

Industry Expert - What is your area of expertise?

Every one of you are experts at something.  Think about this for a minute.  There are a variety of things that you know-that-you-know deep down in your gut.  Several years ago I was asked at a seminar to write down 3 things that I could teach someone else how to do or I could develop a presentation covering 15-30-45-60 minutes. Most folks would immediately write down something pertaining to their current job.  However, this speaker instructed us to think outside of our jobs.  For example, do you play an instrument?  Are you a master gardener?  Are you a skilled golfer or seamstress?  Do read more…

US Department of Labor - Women's Bureau

Yesterday, I received this Certificate of Appreciate for my participation last month in the 50 Plus Women2Work: Ready, Set Employed event which was made possible through the cooperation of Dallas County Community college District-Richland and the US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic experience. Certificate of Appreciation

Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce - Peggy Edge presents

Peggy Edge presented “How to get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry” yesterday at the Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce.  Great group of folks and enjoyed meeting every one of you. Don’t forget to identify your passion and create a plan to start writing and speaking about it.  Everyone has a message or story that someone else needs to hear. Kathy Rushmore Schlund “And you were fantastic, Peggy! Thank you for gracing us again with your humor, knowledge and care.”

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Networking: Last Quarter Coasting or Scrambling

As we embark on the last quarter of the year, what are your plans for your business? Are you beginning to coast because you’ve already met quota? Or…are you scrambling to network so you can finish the year on top? If you are coasting, don’t do that.  Your competition is nipping at your heels.  Start working on next year’s plan. If you are in scrambling mode, take a deep breath, re-group and tweak your plan.  Some of the things you can do to tweak your plan include: Make sure you have identified everyone in your Connection Circle.  Think about any group that you read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

National Speakers Association - Certificate of Completion 2014 Speakers Academy

For the last year I have been attending the Speakers Academy of the National Speakers Association.  This has been a wonderful experience to sit among so many mentors in the public speaking arena and to learn everything that I can to grow my speaking business.  The wealth of knowledge that the North Texas Chapter has is phenomenal. It’s really exciting when folks willingly give of their time and expertise to coach and train the pups in the industry. Thank you to our Co-Deans,  Stu Schlackman and Dave Hill for your dedication to making this a wonderful experience for all of us.  Finally a read more…

Sales: Face-to-face interaction

“Rapport is not developed over the telephone.  Face-to-face interaction develops long-term business relationships.” Byrd Baggett. In sales, building and developing long-term relationships are critical to growing your business.  Consequently this statement about face-to-face interaction by Baggett back in 1997 is still so very relevant today to your success not only in sales but also in life. With everyone using electronic devices to communicate these days, our society is becoming a group of people who do not know how to carry on an intelligent conversation with another person. In an article by Virginia Acacio, “The Benefits of Face-to-Face Communications” she talks about the fact read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Success: Envision Your Success - Are you aiming high enough?

Recently I was sitting in a seminar and the speaker was talking about success.  He asked us if we envision our success.  I was reminded of the time in 1971 when I made the decision that I would pursue my college degree. As I reflect on my own personal successes, instantly I start to think about my education.  I am the only one in my family who finished high school or graduated from college. Back in 1971, my boss sent me to a motivation seminar.  The speaker asked, “What are you going to be in 4 years from now?  You could be just read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Business: What is Your Consistency Level?

Consistency –  “ The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.” Think about professional athletes – most of them are not superstars like Michael Jordan but they achieve their professional status by performing at a high level of consistently over and over. How consistent are you at what you do best?  When you figure this out, it will be “your Edge over your competition.  Therefore, examine your successes; create an action plan to do more of this; then, go for it! Peggy P. Edge © 2013

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

Business Networking - Do you know your ROI?

Have you calculated your actual ROI on your Business Networking activities?  If not, why not? Periodically you should figure out exactly what it is costing you in not only hard dollars but soft costs to attend any networking function. Hard Costs include:  Membership Dues, Chapter Dues, etc. Soft Costs include:  Drive time, Meeting time, and any time that you spend outside of the actual event having a 1-1 with either synergy partners or prospective clients. Ask yourself, am I getting out of this group or activity exactly what I planned or expected?  If not, it might be time to make a change.  Look read more…

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial

Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about. Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will: Paint a verbal picture. Establishes you as an expert in your field. Profiles you and your company. The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this: Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service. read more…

To write or not to write...that is the question!

Hugh Prather wrote in “Notes to Myself,” “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.” With the invention of social media, that is all we are doing now is writing.  All of us are writing about something–our likes, dislikes, our religious persuasion, our political stance, comments on cats, dogs, ex-husbands and wives, etc. Because every single one of us is an expert in something, now we have the venue to spout out our innermost thoughts and opinions. For years, I thought my only expertise was what I did for a living–packaging.  I don’t read more…

Fear of Networking

Networking - How to Create an Effective 30-Second Commercial

How many times have you attended a networking function only to find that everyone there gives virtually the same 30-Second Commercial?  It goes something like this… “Hi, my name is Lucy Jane Jones and I am an Account Representative for Jones Sales Associates.”  Uh, I sell Wonderful Widgets.  If you have a need of a Wonderful Widget, we give $10.00 discount if you mention my name at checkout.  Hmmm, our office is just down the street on the next corner in the bright shiny high-rise on the left.  Omm, you can call me anytime and I’ll be glad to demonstrate our Widget to read more…

Networking: Conveying your Who-What-Why

When you give your 30-Second Commercial at a networking event, do you just stand up, open your mouth and hope the right words to come out?  You are shooting yourself in the foot unless you plan in advance what you are going to say.  Developing a good elevator speech requires some forethought. A well-crafted commercial will answer 3 questions:  Who, What, and Why. Who are your clients or prospects? Be specific with the levels of management that you call on as well as the industry niche that you work within or are expecting to break into.  Example:  I work with______________. What the products read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…


2024 President's Award - National Speakers Association, North Texas Chapter

I was so honored last week to receive the National Speakers Association, North Texas Chapter 2024 President’s Award for my work with the Membership Connector’s Program.

LinkedIn(R) - Use to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

   LinkedIn®(LI) is marketing tool that can help you get recognized as an expert in your industry.  It is an extremely powerful marketing tool of which we can all benefit.  I am a coach and teacher on how to create an effective LI profile.  Recently I provided a presentation on LI to my networking chapter which is made up of 16 members.  I was amazed by previewing all of our members’ profiles as to how many have incomplete profiles. The thing I’ve learned about LinkedIn® over the years is that most people think of this program as a tool for head hunters and read more…

Networker of the Year 2015

I was humbled and honored to be the 2015 recipient of the Jo Wagner Networker of the Year Award by my business-to-business networking organization, Team Networking (www.teamnetworking.com) It has been my pleasure to service this organization in a leadership capacity for 15 of the 17 years that I’ve been a member.  I can’t begin to enumerate all of the people that I have come in contact with during this time that has not helped me in one way or another. Truly I believe Zig Ziglar’s statment: “If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want.”  Some read more…

Good Leader Traits

  Traits of a good leader include being visionaries, courageous, introspective, empowers, and genuine.  As a leader do you exude each of these attributes? Visualization As a good leader, we are visionaries.  Do you communicate your vision on a regular basis? In order to have everyone jump on-board with the direction that you and/or the company is going, it is critically important to being proactive at reiterating your vision so that it is ever-present in the minds of the team members. It’s okay to be bold, stretch your limits and go for the gold at all times. Courageous As a good leader, we read more…

US Department of Labor - Women's Bureau

Yesterday, I received this Certificate of Appreciate for my participation last month in the 50 Plus Women2Work: Ready, Set Employed event which was made possible through the cooperation of Dallas County Community college District-Richland and the US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic experience. Certificate of Appreciation

Success-Identifying and Tracking your Personal Successes

How do you identify and track your personal successes in life?  Recently, a couple of business associates and I were talking about success.  These questions came up: *  When do you know you have arrived? *  When do you believe deep inside that you are a success? *  Why to we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others when it comes to success? I decided to do a little research on success.  What I found was that most all of the articles only addressed big accomplishments in life.  The discussions primarily centered on global success in life—attaining accolades in our industry, financial read more…

Leadership: Drilling-down Decisions

Leadership is not always easy to accomplish and truly the decisions that we make are not always as simple to do without consequences or regrets.  Truly Thomas Paine’s quote, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way” is not a simple thing to accomplish. Do you wrestle with indecision when all options seem to be the best?  Or, are you hasty to make a decision only to find out later that you were a little too quick resulting in wrong decisions being made? Some of us are better at simply deciding and moving on whereas others belabor points over and over for fear read more…


LinkedIn® Summary – Outlines your Personal Brand

Your LinkedIn® Summary can be used to layout your personal brand. This is where you can shine to the marketplace.  Remember that prospects and clients alike will vet you through your LinkedIn® Profile. You want to look as professional as possible on paper. The old saying that people make a judgment about you within the first few minutes of meeting you applies to your professional LI profile as well. This is why your LI Summary is so very important. To craft an effective Summary here are a few pointers that you can include to help outline your expertise, your company and what/how others read more…

LinkedIn Recommendations--Give to Get

Have you received recent recommendations through LinkedIn?  Instead of waiting for others to recommend you and your work, be proactive:  “Give to Get”–Be willing to reach out to a few of your key connections and write a recommendation of their work and expertise.Don’t be shy to ask for a recommendation from a client or one of your LI connections who knows your work ethic and/or industry expertise.If you have a recent project that you have completed with a client, use this opportunity to solicit how well they are pleased with your work by asking them if they would be willing to write you read more…


2024 President's Award - National Speakers Association, North Texas Chapter

I was so honored last week to receive the National Speakers Association, North Texas Chapter 2024 President’s Award for my work with the Membership Connector’s Program.

LinkedIn Recommendations--Give to Get

Have you received recent recommendations through LinkedIn?  Instead of waiting for others to recommend you and your work, be proactive:  “Give to Get”–Be willing to reach out to a few of your key connections and write a recommendation of their work and expertise.Don’t be shy to ask for a recommendation from a client or one of your LI connections who knows your work ethic and/or industry expertise.If you have a recent project that you have completed with a client, use this opportunity to solicit how well they are pleased with your work by asking them if they would be willing to write you read more…

LinkedIn(R) - Use to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

   LinkedIn®(LI) is marketing tool that can help you get recognized as an expert in your industry.  It is an extremely powerful marketing tool of which we can all benefit.  I am a coach and teacher on how to create an effective LI profile.  Recently I provided a presentation on LI to my networking chapter which is made up of 16 members.  I was amazed by previewing all of our members’ profiles as to how many have incomplete profiles. The thing I’ve learned about LinkedIn® over the years is that most people think of this program as a tool for head hunters and read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

Face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers for many years.  Some of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to it’s fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at networking but I work on it every day. Folks, social media is here to stay and we might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy at one more way to make connections so that we are able to seize opportunities. To improve your overall read more…

Networking: Have a plan

Networking: Your results are directly proportional to the effort you put in–have a plan. Networking is work.  Really!  If you expect to reap maximum benefits from attending and joining a networking organization, it requires more than just showing up, passing out as many business cards as possible and collecting cards from fellow attendees. To be effective, you must start with a strategic networking plan which boils down to being a part of your overall marketing-sales plan for the year. To develop your networking roadmap, first you will need to evaluate what you overall objective will be.  A few questions that will help you read more…

Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce - Peggy Edge presents

Peggy Edge presented “How to get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry” yesterday at the Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce.  Great group of folks and enjoyed meeting every one of you. Don’t forget to identify your passion and create a plan to start writing and speaking about it.  Everyone has a message or story that someone else needs to hear. Kathy Rushmore Schlund “And you were fantastic, Peggy! Thank you for gracing us again with your humor, knowledge and care.”

Networking: Conveying your Who-What-Why

When you give your 30-Second Commercial at a networking event, do you just stand up, open your mouth and hope the right words to come out?  You are shooting yourself in the foot unless you plan in advance what you are going to say.  Developing a good elevator speech requires some forethought. A well-crafted commercial will answer 3 questions:  Who, What, and Why. Who are your clients or prospects? Be specific with the levels of management that you call on as well as the industry niche that you work within or are expecting to break into.  Example:  I work with______________. What the products read more…

Networking: Last Quarter Coasting or Scrambling

As we embark on the last quarter of the year, what are your plans for your business? Are you beginning to coast because you’ve already met quota? Or…are you scrambling to network so you can finish the year on top? If you are coasting, don’t do that.  Your competition is nipping at your heels.  Start working on next year’s plan. If you are in scrambling mode, take a deep breath, re-group and tweak your plan.  Some of the things you can do to tweak your plan include: Make sure you have identified everyone in your Connection Circle.  Think about any group that you read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

For many years, face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers.   Many of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to its fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at social media but I work on it every day.  Like they say, “I ain’t there yet but I’m getting there little-by-little.” Let’s face it, social media is here to stay.  We might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy with every possible way read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

National Speakers Association - Certificate of Completion 2014 Speakers Academy

For the last year I have been attending the Speakers Academy of the National Speakers Association.  This has been a wonderful experience to sit among so many mentors in the public speaking arena and to learn everything that I can to grow my speaking business.  The wealth of knowledge that the North Texas Chapter has is phenomenal. It’s really exciting when folks willingly give of their time and expertise to coach and train the pups in the industry. Thank you to our Co-Deans,  Stu Schlackman and Dave Hill for your dedication to making this a wonderful experience for all of us.  Finally a read more…

Sales: Face-to-face interaction

“Rapport is not developed over the telephone.  Face-to-face interaction develops long-term business relationships.” Byrd Baggett. In sales, building and developing long-term relationships are critical to growing your business.  Consequently this statement about face-to-face interaction by Baggett back in 1997 is still so very relevant today to your success not only in sales but also in life. With everyone using electronic devices to communicate these days, our society is becoming a group of people who do not know how to carry on an intelligent conversation with another person. In an article by Virginia Acacio, “The Benefits of Face-to-Face Communications” she talks about the fact read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Core Strengths - do you know what yours are?

Recently I took the Clifton Strengthsfinder(tm) test to determine what my core strengths are.  This test is absolutely amazing in that it can pinpoint who I am and what I’m all about. I have known for years that I’d rather eat barbed wire than do anything related to accounting.  Although in my business, quite often I am required to look at the bottom-line numbers of my company, however, this is the least favorite thing on my “to-do” list. Give me a widget to sell; sign me up to work the booth at a trade show; show me a new product that solves some read more…

ROI - Business Networking

What you see is what you get!  How many times do we apply this little statement to things we do or think?  Yet when it comes to Business Networking, do you really know what you are getting out of your networking efforts?  It’s not all about $$/cents. A few of Peggy’s Pointers on networking could net really great results: Have clear cut goals for your networking activities. Set aside time to develop the connections you make at events so that they become relationships, not just someone on a list of people you know. Work on your 30-second commercial so that others will know read more…


Good Leader Traits

  Traits of a good leader include being visionaries, courageous, introspective, empowers, and genuine.  As a leader do you exude each of these attributes? Visualization As a good leader, we are visionaries.  Do you communicate your vision on a regular basis? In order to have everyone jump on-board with the direction that you and/or the company is going, it is critically important to being proactive at reiterating your vision so that it is ever-present in the minds of the team members. It’s okay to be bold, stretch your limits and go for the gold at all times. Courageous As a good leader, we read more…

Retirement: Life does not begin at retirement

“Life begins at retirement.” ~Anonymous Recently, Wally and I were at an event with a number of folks that we have known for over 30 years but we haven’t seen any of them in a very long time.  As we renewed our acquaintances, it seemed as if the first question out of their mouth was, “Are you retired now?” My response to one person was, “Heavens NO! I’ve actually started a second business in the last two years.” Why is it that people automatically think that when we get to a certain age that everybody retires?  The word “retirement” is not and has read more…

Prejudice eats away at our heart and soul!

Thank you Dale Hansen, Sportscaster, WFAA-Dallas for your commentary on prejudice. https://www.facebook.com/wfaachannel8/videos/10152746662156545/?fref=nf I have been so saddened and repulsed about the incidents occurring in Ferguson, Missouri and now in our own back yards of Flower Mound and McKinney. The definition of prejudice is Prejudice eats away at our heart and soul.  It is a learned behavior.  The definition is:  “a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.” I made a comment to a friend recently, “We have gone back in time 50 years to lose the ground that was claimed in Selma.” I was raised in deep East Texas read more…

Industry Expert - What is your area of expertise?

Every one of you are experts at something.  Think about this for a minute.  There are a variety of things that you know-that-you-know deep down in your gut.  Several years ago I was asked at a seminar to write down 3 things that I could teach someone else how to do or I could develop a presentation covering 15-30-45-60 minutes. Most folks would immediately write down something pertaining to their current job.  However, this speaker instructed us to think outside of our jobs.  For example, do you play an instrument?  Are you a master gardener?  Are you a skilled golfer or seamstress?  Do read more…

You are NEVER too old!

This story touched my heart today when I saw it on Facebook.  This just proves what I have said for years…You are never too old to learn something new but more importantly, you are never too old to go for your dreams! 95 year old Anthony Brutto will receive his college degree next week from West Virginia University! He is doing this after having started to college 75 years ago!  WAY-TO-GO!!! Whatever you set your heart, mind and soul to do you can accomplish it.  It’s like how to eat an elephant…one small bite at a time. http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/75-years-enrolling-94-year-set-graduate-west/story?id=30937399&cid=fb_wn_sf  

US Department of Labor - Women's Bureau

Yesterday, I received this Certificate of Appreciate for my participation last month in the 50 Plus Women2Work: Ready, Set Employed event which was made possible through the cooperation of Dallas County Community college District-Richland and the US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic experience. Certificate of Appreciation

How to Get Recognized as an Expert in your Industry

Many of my colleagues know me as an industrial packaging specialist.  However, when I started doing public speaking, many of my connections didn’t know about my expertise as a business networking expert, sales trainer or leader.  To build my speaking business, the one thing that I did was to write. What areas of expertise do you have?  Many times, we have talents that have nothing to do with what we do for a living. *Make a list of 3-4 topics that you are an expert at.  This can be either something that you are officially trained to do, certified or licensed, industry recognized read more…

Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce - Peggy Edge presents

Peggy Edge presented “How to get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry” yesterday at the Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce.  Great group of folks and enjoyed meeting every one of you. Don’t forget to identify your passion and create a plan to start writing and speaking about it.  Everyone has a message or story that someone else needs to hear. Kathy Rushmore Schlund “And you were fantastic, Peggy! Thank you for gracing us again with your humor, knowledge and care.”

Success-Identifying and Tracking your Personal Successes

How do you identify and track your personal successes in life?  Recently, a couple of business associates and I were talking about success.  These questions came up: *  When do you know you have arrived? *  When do you believe deep inside that you are a success? *  Why to we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others when it comes to success? I decided to do a little research on success.  What I found was that most all of the articles only addressed big accomplishments in life.  The discussions primarily centered on global success in life—attaining accolades in our industry, financial read more…

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Networking: Last Quarter Coasting or Scrambling

As we embark on the last quarter of the year, what are your plans for your business? Are you beginning to coast because you’ve already met quota? Or…are you scrambling to network so you can finish the year on top? If you are coasting, don’t do that.  Your competition is nipping at your heels.  Start working on next year’s plan. If you are in scrambling mode, take a deep breath, re-group and tweak your plan.  Some of the things you can do to tweak your plan include: Make sure you have identified everyone in your Connection Circle.  Think about any group that you read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Success: Envision Your Success - Are you aiming high enough?

Recently I was sitting in a seminar and the speaker was talking about success.  He asked us if we envision our success.  I was reminded of the time in 1971 when I made the decision that I would pursue my college degree. As I reflect on my own personal successes, instantly I start to think about my education.  I am the only one in my family who finished high school or graduated from college. Back in 1971, my boss sent me to a motivation seminar.  The speaker asked, “What are you going to be in 4 years from now?  You could be just read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Core Strengths - do you know what yours are?

Recently I took the Clifton Strengthsfinder(tm) test to determine what my core strengths are.  This test is absolutely amazing in that it can pinpoint who I am and what I’m all about. I have known for years that I’d rather eat barbed wire than do anything related to accounting.  Although in my business, quite often I am required to look at the bottom-line numbers of my company, however, this is the least favorite thing on my “to-do” list. Give me a widget to sell; sign me up to work the booth at a trade show; show me a new product that solves some read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Business Networking - Do you know your ROI?

Have you calculated your actual ROI on your Business Networking activities?  If not, why not? Periodically you should figure out exactly what it is costing you in not only hard dollars but soft costs to attend any networking function. Hard Costs include:  Membership Dues, Chapter Dues, etc. Soft Costs include:  Drive time, Meeting time, and any time that you spend outside of the actual event having a 1-1 with either synergy partners or prospective clients. Ask yourself, am I getting out of this group or activity exactly what I planned or expected?  If not, it might be time to make a change.  Look read more…

To write or not to write...that is the question!

Hugh Prather wrote in “Notes to Myself,” “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.” With the invention of social media, that is all we are doing now is writing.  All of us are writing about something–our likes, dislikes, our religious persuasion, our political stance, comments on cats, dogs, ex-husbands and wives, etc. Because every single one of us is an expert in something, now we have the venue to spout out our innermost thoughts and opinions. For years, I thought my only expertise was what I did for a living–packaging.  I don’t read more…

Package Design

Peggy Edge Speaks to Plano ISD GadgetGirls Class

I was so very thrilled to be presenting “What’s New in Packaging” to 3rd-5th grade girls this week.  Plano ISD has a grant that is geared toward young ladies introducing them to science and math as a career choice. These young folks are using their math skills to create and design a package for a product.  I showed them examples of packaging products that they would never see as most of my products are discarded at the shipping dock before they go into the retail store. Here are some samples of their work: Congrats PISD for encouraging young ladies into the packaging business. read more…


Peggy Edge Speaks to Plano ISD GadgetGirls Class

I was so very thrilled to be presenting “What’s New in Packaging” to 3rd-5th grade girls this week.  Plano ISD has a grant that is geared toward young ladies introducing them to science and math as a career choice. These young folks are using their math skills to create and design a package for a product.  I showed them examples of packaging products that they would never see as most of my products are discarded at the shipping dock before they go into the retail store. Here are some samples of their work: Congrats PISD for encouraging young ladies into the packaging business. read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…


Cold Calling is Dead!

Cold Calling is DEAD!  Would you like to grow your business exclusively with warm referrals?   For over 20 years, in the industrial packaging business, I have been growing my business through my professional circle of connections, never cold calling! I’m a firm believer that you can “Make Connections and Seize Opportunities”™ solely through your professional circle of connections to close more sales. Using a 5-step program I developed several years ago on effective networking techniques, I now work with individuals, sales managers, and sales teams how to replicate the system in your business to book more business. I will coach you: How to draft read more…

Getting the Most out of LinkedIn® as a Marketing Tool

LinkedIn® is one of the most powerful marketing tools that you have in your sales toolbox.  Use LinkedIn to get recognized as an expert in your industry; research companies and their key management teams; and to connect for former colleagues and vendors. Here are a few of Peggy’s Pointers to help you get the most out of LinkedIn: Connect ASAP As with any networking activity, be prudent to follow-up with a prospective connection within 24-72 hours. Things happen and sometimes we get behind the 8-ball. If there has been a time-lag since you met the prospective connection, be bold and remind your contact read more…

LinkedIn(R) - Use to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

   LinkedIn®(LI) is marketing tool that can help you get recognized as an expert in your industry.  It is an extremely powerful marketing tool of which we can all benefit.  I am a coach and teacher on how to create an effective LI profile.  Recently I provided a presentation on LI to my networking chapter which is made up of 16 members.  I was amazed by previewing all of our members’ profiles as to how many have incomplete profiles. The thing I’ve learned about LinkedIn® over the years is that most people think of this program as a tool for head hunters and read more…

Networking - How to Create an Effective 30-Second Commercial

How many times have you attended a networking function only to find that everyone there gives virtually the same 30-Second Commercial?  It goes something like this… “Hi, my name is Lucy Jane Jones and I am an Account Representative for Jones Sales Associates.”  Uh, I sell Wonderful Widgets.  If you have a need of a Wonderful Widget, we give $10.00 discount if you mention my name at checkout.  Hmmm, our office is just down the street on the next corner in the bright shiny high-rise on the left.  Omm, you can call me anytime and I’ll be glad to demonstrate our Widget to read more…

Business Networking

Business Networking–what is it? Is Business Networking about attending a meeting,  gathering  business cards, calling those contacts to sell them?  Absolutely not! Many of us are sitting at our desks today trying to figure out where we are going in 2017 and how we will get there with our business.   Let’s explore a few key points that you can work on to get started for the year. It is: Being Passionate about Giving First. Zig Ziglar wrote in Closing the Sale:  “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Most read more…

Networking: Have a plan

Networking: Your results are directly proportional to the effort you put in–have a plan. Networking is work.  Really!  If you expect to reap maximum benefits from attending and joining a networking organization, it requires more than just showing up, passing out as many business cards as possible and collecting cards from fellow attendees. To be effective, you must start with a strategic networking plan which boils down to being a part of your overall marketing-sales plan for the year. To develop your networking roadmap, first you will need to evaluate what you overall objective will be.  A few questions that will help you read more…

How to Get Recognized as an Expert in your Industry

When you see folks in the media being touted as the expert in a particular topic, do you often wonder how they got there?  Or you think, well I know as much as that guy does.  I could have talked about that subject better than he did. To set the stage to being seen as an expert in your industry, here are a few steps that you can take First,make a list of what you know about that you can talk to someone else for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. What do you know that you can teach another person?  This does read more…

Networker of the Year 2015

I was humbled and honored to be the 2015 recipient of the Jo Wagner Networker of the Year Award by my business-to-business networking organization, Team Networking (www.teamnetworking.com) It has been my pleasure to service this organization in a leadership capacity for 15 of the 17 years that I’ve been a member.  I can’t begin to enumerate all of the people that I have come in contact with during this time that has not helped me in one way or another. Truly I believe Zig Ziglar’s statment: “If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want.”  Some read more…

Networking Etiquette - Manners Matter

The way that you conduct yourself at networking events can be the difference between being seen as a professional or not.  Manners matter when networking.  Some of my pointers look like “no-brainers.” However over the many years as leader of a business-to-business networking group, I can say that I’ve seen lots of folks walk through our doors that seemingly had no clue as to how they come across to others. Dress for success. Simple enough however remember that others are making decisions about you within the first few minutes after they meet you. Come prepared to network. Always carry plenty of business cards, read more…

30-Second Commercial = Painting a Verbal Picture

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your 30-second commercial or elevator speech?  You are attempting to paint a verbal picture in the minds of those in the room so they clearly and concisely know what you do and exactly how they can help you. As the president of a business-to-business networking organization for 4 years, I had the opportunity to travel between 7 chapters to train and mentor chapter leaders as well as members on the fine art of networking. Networking is a “learned skill-set” and with just a few pointers, you can reap maximum results the next time that you read more…

Networking: "Place your Cell Phone on Silent"

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your electronic devices in silent mode during the meeting today.” Is it acceptable to make a phone call; send or receive text; or read your email while meeting with a prospect or client?  The answer is NO! I would venture to say that none of us would ever think about doing this in front of a client or prospect.   Yet week after week many of my fellow members of my networking group engage in some form of cell phone usage during our meeting. Why, then, has it become acceptable to text and read email it at networking read more…

Success-Identifying and Tracking your Personal Successes

How do you identify and track your personal successes in life?  Recently, a couple of business associates and I were talking about success.  These questions came up: *  When do you know you have arrived? *  When do you believe deep inside that you are a success? *  Why to we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others when it comes to success? I decided to do a little research on success.  What I found was that most all of the articles only addressed big accomplishments in life.  The discussions primarily centered on global success in life—attaining accolades in our industry, financial read more…

Leadership: Drilling-down Decisions

Leadership is not always easy to accomplish and truly the decisions that we make are not always as simple to do without consequences or regrets.  Truly Thomas Paine’s quote, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way” is not a simple thing to accomplish. Do you wrestle with indecision when all options seem to be the best?  Or, are you hasty to make a decision only to find out later that you were a little too quick resulting in wrong decisions being made? Some of us are better at simply deciding and moving on whereas others belabor points over and over for fear read more…

Retail Sales - Goal Setting

As a waitress do you set goals and objectives for your job?  Are you a sales associate in a clothing store?  What is your overall plan for the year to grow your client base?  As a hairdresser, do you need new clients?  Do you have a marketing plan for your business?  If not, why? Today, I was chatting with a colleague whose primary business is in the retail sales market.  He mentioned that store managers and retail salespeople need to have sales skills yet quite often they don’t know or realize that they need to employ the same skill-set that is paramount to read more…

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Networking: Conveying your Who-What-Why

When you give your 30-Second Commercial at a networking event, do you just stand up, open your mouth and hope the right words to come out?  You are shooting yourself in the foot unless you plan in advance what you are going to say.  Developing a good elevator speech requires some forethought. A well-crafted commercial will answer 3 questions:  Who, What, and Why. Who are your clients or prospects? Be specific with the levels of management that you call on as well as the industry niche that you work within or are expecting to break into.  Example:  I work with______________. What the products read more…

Networking: Last Quarter Coasting or Scrambling

As we embark on the last quarter of the year, what are your plans for your business? Are you beginning to coast because you’ve already met quota? Or…are you scrambling to network so you can finish the year on top? If you are coasting, don’t do that.  Your competition is nipping at your heels.  Start working on next year’s plan. If you are in scrambling mode, take a deep breath, re-group and tweak your plan.  Some of the things you can do to tweak your plan include: Make sure you have identified everyone in your Connection Circle.  Think about any group that you read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

For many years, face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers.   Many of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to its fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at social media but I work on it every day.  Like they say, “I ain’t there yet but I’m getting there little-by-little.” Let’s face it, social media is here to stay.  We might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy with every possible way read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

Sales: Face-to-face interaction

“Rapport is not developed over the telephone.  Face-to-face interaction develops long-term business relationships.” Byrd Baggett. In sales, building and developing long-term relationships are critical to growing your business.  Consequently this statement about face-to-face interaction by Baggett back in 1997 is still so very relevant today to your success not only in sales but also in life. With everyone using electronic devices to communicate these days, our society is becoming a group of people who do not know how to carry on an intelligent conversation with another person. In an article by Virginia Acacio, “The Benefits of Face-to-Face Communications” she talks about the fact read more…

Salesperson: Likability or Credibility--which do you want?

Likability or Credibility:  As a salesperson, do you want to be liked or do you want to be considered credible? Many sales gurus say that people only buy from those they like.  I’ll be the first to say, I want others to like me.  However, the litmus test for all of us as salespeople is not likability but is credibility. Just a few pointers that I expect to convey to my prospects and clients: To be considered credible and believable To be regarded as trustworthy To be viewed as an expert in my industry To be relied upon for the knowledge of my read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Networking: Be a Resource to your client base.

Networking—to be an effective resource to your prospects and clients, you have to keep your ears open for opportunities to be of service. Obviously I don’t sell phone systems, provide travel services, or do financial planning.  However, what I do offer my clients is me and my network.  By being a resource to everyone I come into contact with in the marketplace, I provide an invaluable service. You see, when my clients have a need I want them to think of me first.  Over the years, they have called me to ask for someone to fix the pot-holes in their parking lot;  to read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Business Networking - Do you have a Plan?

So many times over the 15 years that I have been involved in my local B2B networking group, I have seen people come and go never understanding exactly what they are doing there or why there are there.  The main reason is they have not created an action plan or road-map. Just like any good sales plan, you should also have a detailed plan for your business networking activities. Here are a few pointers that your plan must include: Basic Membership Requirements: Include not only dollars/cents but also the soft costs too, like time investment. Dues and Meals:  These dues could be national, state read more…

Business Networking: What is it exactly?

What exactly does the term Business Networking mean?  Over the many years that I’ve been involved in a B2B networking organization, I have been able to narrow the definition down to 5 Key pointers: –It is:  Being Passionate about Giving First. –It is:  Building and Developing Synergy Partners. –It is:  Sharing your expertise and talents. –It is:  Being a resource and connector of people. –It is:  You’re EDGE over your Competition! When you can incorporate and accomplish all of these elements in your sales activities, you will not have to cold call again.  For 15 years that I have owned my packaging company, I have read more…

Welcome to 2014 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year to my clients, vendors, friends and family. As we embark on another year of our lives, where do you see yourself going? Do you see yourself changing jobs, lifestyles, even your hairdo? When I look at the prospects of 2014, I have to reflect on the many thanksgivings of 2013 as 1 more year cancer free and healthy, 1 more year as a self-employed individual which I love, and a loving family that supports me in all that I do just to name a few. In 2014, my hopes and dreams are about being the best that I can be read more…

Core Strengths - do you know what yours are?

Recently I took the Clifton Strengthsfinder(tm) test to determine what my core strengths are.  This test is absolutely amazing in that it can pinpoint who I am and what I’m all about. I have known for years that I’d rather eat barbed wire than do anything related to accounting.  Although in my business, quite often I am required to look at the bottom-line numbers of my company, however, this is the least favorite thing on my “to-do” list. Give me a widget to sell; sign me up to work the booth at a trade show; show me a new product that solves some read more…

ROI - Business Networking

What you see is what you get!  How many times do we apply this little statement to things we do or think?  Yet when it comes to Business Networking, do you really know what you are getting out of your networking efforts?  It’s not all about $$/cents. A few of Peggy’s Pointers on networking could net really great results: Have clear cut goals for your networking activities. Set aside time to develop the connections you make at events so that they become relationships, not just someone on a list of people you know. Work on your 30-second commercial so that others will know read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Business: What is Your Consistency Level?

Consistency –  “ The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.” Think about professional athletes – most of them are not superstars like Michael Jordan but they achieve their professional status by performing at a high level of consistently over and over. How consistent are you at what you do best?  When you figure this out, it will be “your Edge over your competition.  Therefore, examine your successes; create an action plan to do more of this; then, go for it! Peggy P. Edge © 2013

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…

Peggy's Pointers - GateKeepers and How to get Past

How do you to Get Past the GateKeeper? Being in sales for over 30 years I’ve had my fair share of cold calling and furthermore my fair share of trying to get past the GateKeeper…that person who holds the keys to the door to the most important person on my call list for the day. The most interesting conversation with a GateKeeper I’ve ever had involved me walking into a company one day and asking the receptionist who I would need to talk to who purchased their packaging products.  The lady said, “Well that would be Joe Bob.”  So I asked, “Would it read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

Business Networking - Do you know your ROI?

Have you calculated your actual ROI on your Business Networking activities?  If not, why not? Periodically you should figure out exactly what it is costing you in not only hard dollars but soft costs to attend any networking function. Hard Costs include:  Membership Dues, Chapter Dues, etc. Soft Costs include:  Drive time, Meeting time, and any time that you spend outside of the actual event having a 1-1 with either synergy partners or prospective clients. Ask yourself, am I getting out of this group or activity exactly what I planned or expected?  If not, it might be time to make a change.  Look read more…

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial

Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about. Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will: Paint a verbal picture. Establishes you as an expert in your field. Profiles you and your company. The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this: Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service. read more…

To write or not to write...that is the question!

Hugh Prather wrote in “Notes to Myself,” “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.” With the invention of social media, that is all we are doing now is writing.  All of us are writing about something–our likes, dislikes, our religious persuasion, our political stance, comments on cats, dogs, ex-husbands and wives, etc. Because every single one of us is an expert in something, now we have the venue to spout out our innermost thoughts and opinions. For years, I thought my only expertise was what I did for a living–packaging.  I don’t read more…

Peggy's Pointers - Cardinal Rules of Effective Business Networking

To be effective in your business networking, You’ve Gotta Look and Act Professional! These tips seem simple enough but after many years as a leader in a business-to-business networking organization, these are some key elements that must always be kept in mind when preparing to attend these types of events. Dress for Success – to be considered professional, you must dress like you mean business! Bring plenty of business cards, pen, and paper. Look people in the eye when greeting and speaking to others. Always give a firm handshake. Ladies, shake a man’s hand like you mean it. Gentlemen, shake a lady’s hand read more…

"The Edge" Over Your Competition!

Good Morning Everyone, This blog is going to be all about tips, tricks, and pointers on how to have “The Edge” over your competition. For 30 years, I have attended sales seminars, heard some of the best in the industry of leadership, management, sales and training. I realized recently when my husband and I downsized our home that many things that we had collected over the years were going to have to be sold, given away, thrown away, or stashed in the attic. One of the things that I discovered in cleaning out my office was folders on top of folders of notes read more…

Sales Management

Cold Calling is Dead!

Cold Calling is DEAD!  Would you like to grow your business exclusively with warm referrals?   For over 20 years, in the industrial packaging business, I have been growing my business through my professional circle of connections, never cold calling! I’m a firm believer that you can “Make Connections and Seize Opportunities”™ solely through your professional circle of connections to close more sales. Using a 5-step program I developed several years ago on effective networking techniques, I now work with individuals, sales managers, and sales teams how to replicate the system in your business to book more business. I will coach you: How to draft read more…

LinkedIn(R) - Use to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

   LinkedIn®(LI) is marketing tool that can help you get recognized as an expert in your industry.  It is an extremely powerful marketing tool of which we can all benefit.  I am a coach and teacher on how to create an effective LI profile.  Recently I provided a presentation on LI to my networking chapter which is made up of 16 members.  I was amazed by previewing all of our members’ profiles as to how many have incomplete profiles. The thing I’ve learned about LinkedIn® over the years is that most people think of this program as a tool for head hunters and read more…

Networking - How to Create an Effective 30-Second Commercial

How many times have you attended a networking function only to find that everyone there gives virtually the same 30-Second Commercial?  It goes something like this… “Hi, my name is Lucy Jane Jones and I am an Account Representative for Jones Sales Associates.”  Uh, I sell Wonderful Widgets.  If you have a need of a Wonderful Widget, we give $10.00 discount if you mention my name at checkout.  Hmmm, our office is just down the street on the next corner in the bright shiny high-rise on the left.  Omm, you can call me anytime and I’ll be glad to demonstrate our Widget to read more…

Networking: Have a plan

Networking: Your results are directly proportional to the effort you put in–have a plan. Networking is work.  Really!  If you expect to reap maximum benefits from attending and joining a networking organization, it requires more than just showing up, passing out as many business cards as possible and collecting cards from fellow attendees. To be effective, you must start with a strategic networking plan which boils down to being a part of your overall marketing-sales plan for the year. To develop your networking roadmap, first you will need to evaluate what you overall objective will be.  A few questions that will help you read more…

30-Second Commercial: How to get THE EDGE

  What type of results do you receive when you give your 30-Second Commercial at networking events?  Do people really know what you go for a living after sit down?  Have you clearly relayed who is your ideal client?  What product or service do you offer? and Why would prospects have an interest in your offering? We are like a room full of 2-year olds, you want to grab the audience attention.  If you start with your name and company, you have not created any interest at all.  Therefore, always start your commercial with a question or a statement about your industry. 3-components read more…

How to Get Recognized as an Expert in your Industry

When you see folks in the media being touted as the expert in a particular topic, do you often wonder how they got there?  Or you think, well I know as much as that guy does.  I could have talked about that subject better than he did. To set the stage to being seen as an expert in your industry, here are a few steps that you can take First,make a list of what you know about that you can talk to someone else for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. What do you know that you can teach another person?  This does read more…

Good Leader Traits

  Traits of a good leader include being visionaries, courageous, introspective, empowers, and genuine.  As a leader do you exude each of these attributes? Visualization As a good leader, we are visionaries.  Do you communicate your vision on a regular basis? In order to have everyone jump on-board with the direction that you and/or the company is going, it is critically important to being proactive at reiterating your vision so that it is ever-present in the minds of the team members. It’s okay to be bold, stretch your limits and go for the gold at all times. Courageous As a good leader, we read more…

Networking: "Place your Cell Phone on Silent"

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your electronic devices in silent mode during the meeting today.” Is it acceptable to make a phone call; send or receive text; or read your email while meeting with a prospect or client?  The answer is NO! I would venture to say that none of us would ever think about doing this in front of a client or prospect.   Yet week after week many of my fellow members of my networking group engage in some form of cell phone usage during our meeting. Why, then, has it become acceptable to text and read email it at networking read more…

Leadership: Drilling-down Decisions

Leadership is not always easy to accomplish and truly the decisions that we make are not always as simple to do without consequences or regrets.  Truly Thomas Paine’s quote, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way” is not a simple thing to accomplish. Do you wrestle with indecision when all options seem to be the best?  Or, are you hasty to make a decision only to find out later that you were a little too quick resulting in wrong decisions being made? Some of us are better at simply deciding and moving on whereas others belabor points over and over for fear read more…

Strategic Networking Plan

A Strategic Networking Plan is a “must-have” inclusion in an overall Marketing Plan for any business or individual. When you map out a plan of attack, for your networking activities truly, you can be extremely successful growing your business with a plethora of warm introductions and referrals thus minimizing the need to cold call. Here are a few key steps to drafting a Networking Plan: Return on Investment (ROI) Start by evaluating last year’s results. Assign a cost to your hard and soft expenses – How much does it cost you in time to attend each event? Identification of Strategic Partnerships Create a list read more…

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Networking: Conveying your Who-What-Why

When you give your 30-Second Commercial at a networking event, do you just stand up, open your mouth and hope the right words to come out?  You are shooting yourself in the foot unless you plan in advance what you are going to say.  Developing a good elevator speech requires some forethought. A well-crafted commercial will answer 3 questions:  Who, What, and Why. Who are your clients or prospects? Be specific with the levels of management that you call on as well as the industry niche that you work within or are expecting to break into.  Example:  I work with______________. What the products read more…

Networking: Last Quarter Coasting or Scrambling

As we embark on the last quarter of the year, what are your plans for your business? Are you beginning to coast because you’ve already met quota? Or…are you scrambling to network so you can finish the year on top? If you are coasting, don’t do that.  Your competition is nipping at your heels.  Start working on next year’s plan. If you are in scrambling mode, take a deep breath, re-group and tweak your plan.  Some of the things you can do to tweak your plan include: Make sure you have identified everyone in your Connection Circle.  Think about any group that you read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

For many years, face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers.   Many of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to its fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at social media but I work on it every day.  Like they say, “I ain’t there yet but I’m getting there little-by-little.” Let’s face it, social media is here to stay.  We might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy with every possible way read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Networking: 30-Second Commercial for Consultants and Service Industries

If you are a consultant or sell a service like IT services or financial services, describing what you do for a living in a 30-second commercial is sometimes difficult.  Finding the right words to explain, in laymen’s terms, the service you provide can be challenging. For example, if  you say, “I am a Business Coach.” This does not give me enough information to “get it.” What do you really do? If you say, “We help companies cut their expenses and increase their bottom line.” This statement not does not provide enough information to clearly understand what you do or how I might be read more…

Sales: Face-to-face interaction

“Rapport is not developed over the telephone.  Face-to-face interaction develops long-term business relationships.” Byrd Baggett. In sales, building and developing long-term relationships are critical to growing your business.  Consequently this statement about face-to-face interaction by Baggett back in 1997 is still so very relevant today to your success not only in sales but also in life. With everyone using electronic devices to communicate these days, our society is becoming a group of people who do not know how to carry on an intelligent conversation with another person. In an article by Virginia Acacio, “The Benefits of Face-to-Face Communications” she talks about the fact read more…

Salesperson: Likability or Credibility--which do you want?

Likability or Credibility:  As a salesperson, do you want to be liked or do you want to be considered credible? Many sales gurus say that people only buy from those they like.  I’ll be the first to say, I want others to like me.  However, the litmus test for all of us as salespeople is not likability but is credibility. Just a few pointers that I expect to convey to my prospects and clients: To be considered credible and believable To be regarded as trustworthy To be viewed as an expert in my industry To be relied upon for the knowledge of my read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Networking: Be a Resource to your client base.

Networking—to be an effective resource to your prospects and clients, you have to keep your ears open for opportunities to be of service. Obviously I don’t sell phone systems, provide travel services, or do financial planning.  However, what I do offer my clients is me and my network.  By being a resource to everyone I come into contact with in the marketplace, I provide an invaluable service. You see, when my clients have a need I want them to think of me first.  Over the years, they have called me to ask for someone to fix the pot-holes in their parking lot;  to read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Business Networking - Do you have a Plan?

So many times over the 15 years that I have been involved in my local B2B networking group, I have seen people come and go never understanding exactly what they are doing there or why there are there.  The main reason is they have not created an action plan or road-map. Just like any good sales plan, you should also have a detailed plan for your business networking activities. Here are a few pointers that your plan must include: Basic Membership Requirements: Include not only dollars/cents but also the soft costs too, like time investment. Dues and Meals:  These dues could be national, state read more…

Business Networking: What is it exactly?

What exactly does the term Business Networking mean?  Over the many years that I’ve been involved in a B2B networking organization, I have been able to narrow the definition down to 5 Key pointers: –It is:  Being Passionate about Giving First. –It is:  Building and Developing Synergy Partners. –It is:  Sharing your expertise and talents. –It is:  Being a resource and connector of people. –It is:  You’re EDGE over your Competition! When you can incorporate and accomplish all of these elements in your sales activities, you will not have to cold call again.  For 15 years that I have owned my packaging company, I have read more…

Core Strengths - do you know what yours are?

Recently I took the Clifton Strengthsfinder(tm) test to determine what my core strengths are.  This test is absolutely amazing in that it can pinpoint who I am and what I’m all about. I have known for years that I’d rather eat barbed wire than do anything related to accounting.  Although in my business, quite often I am required to look at the bottom-line numbers of my company, however, this is the least favorite thing on my “to-do” list. Give me a widget to sell; sign me up to work the booth at a trade show; show me a new product that solves some read more…

ROI - Business Networking

What you see is what you get!  How many times do we apply this little statement to things we do or think?  Yet when it comes to Business Networking, do you really know what you are getting out of your networking efforts?  It’s not all about $$/cents. A few of Peggy’s Pointers on networking could net really great results: Have clear cut goals for your networking activities. Set aside time to develop the connections you make at events so that they become relationships, not just someone on a list of people you know. Work on your 30-second commercial so that others will know read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Business: What is Your Consistency Level?

Consistency –  “ The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.” Think about professional athletes – most of them are not superstars like Michael Jordan but they achieve their professional status by performing at a high level of consistently over and over. How consistent are you at what you do best?  When you figure this out, it will be “your Edge over your competition.  Therefore, examine your successes; create an action plan to do more of this; then, go for it! Peggy P. Edge © 2013

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…

Peggy's Pointers - GateKeepers and How to get Past

How do you to Get Past the GateKeeper? Being in sales for over 30 years I’ve had my fair share of cold calling and furthermore my fair share of trying to get past the GateKeeper…that person who holds the keys to the door to the most important person on my call list for the day. The most interesting conversation with a GateKeeper I’ve ever had involved me walking into a company one day and asking the receptionist who I would need to talk to who purchased their packaging products.  The lady said, “Well that would be Joe Bob.”  So I asked, “Would it read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

Business Networking - Do you know your ROI?

Have you calculated your actual ROI on your Business Networking activities?  If not, why not? Periodically you should figure out exactly what it is costing you in not only hard dollars but soft costs to attend any networking function. Hard Costs include:  Membership Dues, Chapter Dues, etc. Soft Costs include:  Drive time, Meeting time, and any time that you spend outside of the actual event having a 1-1 with either synergy partners or prospective clients. Ask yourself, am I getting out of this group or activity exactly what I planned or expected?  If not, it might be time to make a change.  Look read more…

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial

Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about. Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will: Paint a verbal picture. Establishes you as an expert in your field. Profiles you and your company. The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this: Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service. read more…

To write or not to write...that is the question!

Hugh Prather wrote in “Notes to Myself,” “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.” With the invention of social media, that is all we are doing now is writing.  All of us are writing about something–our likes, dislikes, our religious persuasion, our political stance, comments on cats, dogs, ex-husbands and wives, etc. Because every single one of us is an expert in something, now we have the venue to spout out our innermost thoughts and opinions. For years, I thought my only expertise was what I did for a living–packaging.  I don’t read more…

Peggy's Pointers - Cardinal Rules of Effective Business Networking

To be effective in your business networking, You’ve Gotta Look and Act Professional! These tips seem simple enough but after many years as a leader in a business-to-business networking organization, these are some key elements that must always be kept in mind when preparing to attend these types of events. Dress for Success – to be considered professional, you must dress like you mean business! Bring plenty of business cards, pen, and paper. Look people in the eye when greeting and speaking to others. Always give a firm handshake. Ladies, shake a man’s hand like you mean it. Gentlemen, shake a lady’s hand read more…

"The Edge" Over Your Competition!

Good Morning Everyone, This blog is going to be all about tips, tricks, and pointers on how to have “The Edge” over your competition. For 30 years, I have attended sales seminars, heard some of the best in the industry of leadership, management, sales and training. I realized recently when my husband and I downsized our home that many things that we had collected over the years were going to have to be sold, given away, thrown away, or stashed in the attic. One of the things that I discovered in cleaning out my office was folders on top of folders of notes read more…

Social Media Networking

Getting the Most out of LinkedIn® as a Marketing Tool

LinkedIn® is one of the most powerful marketing tools that you have in your sales toolbox.  Use LinkedIn to get recognized as an expert in your industry; research companies and their key management teams; and to connect for former colleagues and vendors. Here are a few of Peggy’s Pointers to help you get the most out of LinkedIn: Connect ASAP As with any networking activity, be prudent to follow-up with a prospective connection within 24-72 hours. Things happen and sometimes we get behind the 8-ball. If there has been a time-lag since you met the prospective connection, be bold and remind your contact read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

Face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers for many years.  Some of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to it’s fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at networking but I work on it every day. Folks, social media is here to stay and we might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy at one more way to make connections so that we are able to seize opportunities. To improve your overall read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

For many years, face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers.   Many of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to its fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at social media but I work on it every day.  Like they say, “I ain’t there yet but I’m getting there little-by-little.” Let’s face it, social media is here to stay.  We might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy with every possible way read more…

Strategic Alliances

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Networking: Be a Resource to your client base.

Networking—to be an effective resource to your prospects and clients, you have to keep your ears open for opportunities to be of service. Obviously I don’t sell phone systems, provide travel services, or do financial planning.  However, what I do offer my clients is me and my network.  By being a resource to everyone I come into contact with in the marketplace, I provide an invaluable service. You see, when my clients have a need I want them to think of me first.  Over the years, they have called me to ask for someone to fix the pot-holes in their parking lot;  to read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…


Negotiation: How to Prepare to Ask for a Raise.

When was the last time that you negotiated a raise or promotion?  Do you get a little weak in the knees at the thought of asking your boss for a raise? Recently a friend of mine was lamenting to me that she needed to get a part-time job to supplement her income because she had not received a raise in over 3 years.  She explained that she had been instrumental in getting a raise for 15 of her employees but not one for herself. I said, “Well, we need to change that.” As we worked together over several weeks, we came up with read more…

President's Award-2016-National Speakers Association, North Texas

I have been a member of the National Speakers Association for three years.  Back in the summer, I was honored with the 2016 President’s Award of the National Speakers Association of North Texas. If you have an interest in becoming a public speaker, you might check out the NSA organization.  It is a great learning experience to jump-start you into the professional speaking industry. www.nsaspeaker.org (National’s website) www.speaker.org  (North Texas Chapter of NSA)

30-Second Commercial: How to get THE EDGE

  What type of results do you receive when you give your 30-Second Commercial at networking events?  Do people really know what you go for a living after sit down?  Have you clearly relayed who is your ideal client?  What product or service do you offer? and Why would prospects have an interest in your offering? We are like a room full of 2-year olds, you want to grab the audience attention.  If you start with your name and company, you have not created any interest at all.  Therefore, always start your commercial with a question or a statement about your industry. 3-components read more…

How to Get Recognized as an Expert in your Industry

When you see folks in the media being touted as the expert in a particular topic, do you often wonder how they got there?  Or you think, well I know as much as that guy does.  I could have talked about that subject better than he did. To set the stage to being seen as an expert in your industry, here are a few steps that you can take First,make a list of what you know about that you can talk to someone else for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. What do you know that you can teach another person?  This does read more…

Networker of the Year 2015

I was humbled and honored to be the 2015 recipient of the Jo Wagner Networker of the Year Award by my business-to-business networking organization, Team Networking (www.teamnetworking.com) It has been my pleasure to service this organization in a leadership capacity for 15 of the 17 years that I’ve been a member.  I can’t begin to enumerate all of the people that I have come in contact with during this time that has not helped me in one way or another. Truly I believe Zig Ziglar’s statment: “If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want.”  Some read more…

Good Leader Traits

  Traits of a good leader include being visionaries, courageous, introspective, empowers, and genuine.  As a leader do you exude each of these attributes? Visualization As a good leader, we are visionaries.  Do you communicate your vision on a regular basis? In order to have everyone jump on-board with the direction that you and/or the company is going, it is critically important to being proactive at reiterating your vision so that it is ever-present in the minds of the team members. It’s okay to be bold, stretch your limits and go for the gold at all times. Courageous As a good leader, we read more…

Networking Etiquette - Manners Matter

The way that you conduct yourself at networking events can be the difference between being seen as a professional or not.  Manners matter when networking.  Some of my pointers look like “no-brainers.” However over the many years as leader of a business-to-business networking group, I can say that I’ve seen lots of folks walk through our doors that seemingly had no clue as to how they come across to others. Dress for success. Simple enough however remember that others are making decisions about you within the first few minutes after they meet you. Come prepared to network. Always carry plenty of business cards, read more…

Retirement: Life does not begin at retirement

“Life begins at retirement.” ~Anonymous Recently, Wally and I were at an event with a number of folks that we have known for over 30 years but we haven’t seen any of them in a very long time.  As we renewed our acquaintances, it seemed as if the first question out of their mouth was, “Are you retired now?” My response to one person was, “Heavens NO! I’ve actually started a second business in the last two years.” Why is it that people automatically think that when we get to a certain age that everybody retires?  The word “retirement” is not and has read more…

Industry Expert - What is your area of expertise?

Every one of you are experts at something.  Think about this for a minute.  There are a variety of things that you know-that-you-know deep down in your gut.  Several years ago I was asked at a seminar to write down 3 things that I could teach someone else how to do or I could develop a presentation covering 15-30-45-60 minutes. Most folks would immediately write down something pertaining to their current job.  However, this speaker instructed us to think outside of our jobs.  For example, do you play an instrument?  Are you a master gardener?  Are you a skilled golfer or seamstress?  Do read more…

You are NEVER too old!

This story touched my heart today when I saw it on Facebook.  This just proves what I have said for years…You are never too old to learn something new but more importantly, you are never too old to go for your dreams! 95 year old Anthony Brutto will receive his college degree next week from West Virginia University! He is doing this after having started to college 75 years ago!  WAY-TO-GO!!! Whatever you set your heart, mind and soul to do you can accomplish it.  It’s like how to eat an elephant…one small bite at a time. http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/75-years-enrolling-94-year-set-graduate-west/story?id=30937399&cid=fb_wn_sf  

US Department of Labor - Women's Bureau

Yesterday, I received this Certificate of Appreciate for my participation last month in the 50 Plus Women2Work: Ready, Set Employed event which was made possible through the cooperation of Dallas County Community college District-Richland and the US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic experience. Certificate of Appreciation

Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce - Peggy Edge presents

Peggy Edge presented “How to get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry” yesterday at the Dallas Holistic Chamber of Commerce.  Great group of folks and enjoyed meeting every one of you. Don’t forget to identify your passion and create a plan to start writing and speaking about it.  Everyone has a message or story that someone else needs to hear. Kathy Rushmore Schlund “And you were fantastic, Peggy! Thank you for gracing us again with your humor, knowledge and care.”

Success-Identifying and Tracking your Personal Successes

How do you identify and track your personal successes in life?  Recently, a couple of business associates and I were talking about success.  These questions came up: *  When do you know you have arrived? *  When do you believe deep inside that you are a success? *  Why to we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others when it comes to success? I decided to do a little research on success.  What I found was that most all of the articles only addressed big accomplishments in life.  The discussions primarily centered on global success in life—attaining accolades in our industry, financial read more…

Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace: Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of read more…

Networking: Connecting Through Social Media

For many years, face-to-face networking has been the primary way for sales executives to connect with potential buyers.   Many of us are still a little slow to embrace social media to its fullest as a means to grow our business. I will be the first to admit that I’m still a neophyte at social media but I work on it every day.  Like they say, “I ain’t there yet but I’m getting there little-by-little.” Let’s face it, social media is here to stay.  We might as well roll up our sleeves, cinch up our belt and get savvy with every possible way read more…

Networking - Dale Carnegie style

Dale Carnegie was the consummate networker.  He wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1936!  His teachings are still as relevant today as they were when originally written. Here are 3 excerpts from his book that we can apply when attending your next networking event: “Become genuinely interested in other people.”  The moral here is to drop the “what’s in it for me” attitude.  When you engage others and ask them about what they do, why there are there or simply welcome them as a guest, you show that you care about them.  “Smile.”  You certainly cannot win many friends if you read more…

Sales: Face-to-face interaction

“Rapport is not developed over the telephone.  Face-to-face interaction develops long-term business relationships.” Byrd Baggett. In sales, building and developing long-term relationships are critical to growing your business.  Consequently this statement about face-to-face interaction by Baggett back in 1997 is still so very relevant today to your success not only in sales but also in life. With everyone using electronic devices to communicate these days, our society is becoming a group of people who do not know how to carry on an intelligent conversation with another person. In an article by Virginia Acacio, “The Benefits of Face-to-Face Communications” she talks about the fact read more…

Salesperson: Likability or Credibility--which do you want?

Likability or Credibility:  As a salesperson, do you want to be liked or do you want to be considered credible? Many sales gurus say that people only buy from those they like.  I’ll be the first to say, I want others to like me.  However, the litmus test for all of us as salespeople is not likability but is credibility. Just a few pointers that I expect to convey to my prospects and clients: To be considered credible and believable To be regarded as trustworthy To be viewed as an expert in my industry To be relied upon for the knowledge of my read more…

Customer Service: It's the People that Make it Good!

Outstanding customer service is at the core of every company.  In order to earn repeat business, companies must be willing to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. Companies like Starbucks, Southwest Airlines and Apple are well known for being trailblazers in providing excellent customer service. However, it is not the company that delivers the service but the people within the organization—the Customer Service Representative—Joe Bob and Mary Jane. So what does it take to deliver excellent customer service?  There is one rep that I have had the distinct pleasure to work with at one of my vendors for many years.  She read more…

Networking: He simply doesn't "Get It!"

“I don’t visit networking groups because they always have people there who sell the exact same products that I offer,” he said.  This was a statement that a friend of mine made me recently when we were talking about networking and how we can be more effective in our efforts.  I was stunned because he simply doesn’t “get it.!” The primary purpose of attending any networking event or trade association event is the opportunity to grow your business.  However, growing your business does not always mean making a sale. As a matter of fact, a networking event is not a place to sell read more…

Success: Envision Your Success - Are you aiming high enough?

Recently I was sitting in a seminar and the speaker was talking about success.  He asked us if we envision our success.  I was reminded of the time in 1971 when I made the decision that I would pursue my college degree. As I reflect on my own personal successes, instantly I start to think about my education.  I am the only one in my family who finished high school or graduated from college. Back in 1971, my boss sent me to a motivation seminar.  The speaker asked, “What are you going to be in 4 years from now?  You could be just read more…

Networking: Fear of Networking

How is it that most sales people have no problems cold calling yet many break out in a sweat when they attend networking functions? For 16 years in the industrial packaging business, I have worked strictly off of a referral basis–never cold calling.  I rely solely upon my networking partners for “warm referrals.” To be successful at networking, here are a few pointers that will help build confidence: Create a Plan / a Roadmap–as any good business person will tell you, you must have some sort of plan established so that you know where you are going. Outline an agenda for each meeting – Decide read more…

Value Proposition: What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of Your Clients?

What is your Value Proposition in the Eye of your Client? I asked a client one time, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?”  His response was, “Those wonderful Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies that you bring me every Christmas.” Yes, those Gourmet Chocolate-Chip Brownies are scrumptious.  An 80 year old friend of mine bakes these for me each year.  Usually around July, several of my clients begin to ask, “When are you going to bring us more brownies?”  I have to remind them it isn’t Christmas yet! Much has been written about Value Proposition and how you must offer so much more than read more…

Sales Tips: What is your Sales Mystique?

Definition of Mystique:   An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it. You gain power in the eyes of your clients when you come across as someone who is on the cutting edge of your industry. Ideas to help build a sales mystique include: Know your products – pros and cons.  Be willing and able to explain not only what it is designed to do but also any shortcomings associated there within. Know your competition – Study your competition’s sales methods, pricing structure and their “go-to” process to close read more…

Networking: Be a Resource to your client base.

Networking—to be an effective resource to your prospects and clients, you have to keep your ears open for opportunities to be of service. Obviously I don’t sell phone systems, provide travel services, or do financial planning.  However, what I do offer my clients is me and my network.  By being a resource to everyone I come into contact with in the marketplace, I provide an invaluable service. You see, when my clients have a need I want them to think of me first.  Over the years, they have called me to ask for someone to fix the pot-holes in their parking lot;  to read more…

Sales: A Winning Mindset

Think about professional athletes for a moment.  Do you think they ever enter the field or run out on the court expecting to lose the game? A resounding NO!  Why?  The reason is because they have a Winning Mindset and expect to be Victorious each and every time. How do they do this?  Practice!  Practice!  Practice! Why then, as salesmen do we get sometimes develop a defeatist attitude?  Managers are notorious at requiring their sales executives to assign a percentage to the likelihood of closing the sale. If you don’t believe that you expect to have 100% chance to win the business, what read more…

Sales: Engage the Prospect First

Engage the prospect first?  Absolutely! If you lead the sales presentation by telling Mr. Prospect how wonderful your company is; that your products/services are so superior to the competition; and start trying to close without identifying his needs, you have lost any opportunity to move the sale forward.  You have yet to focus on him or his needs. What is wrong with this picture?  You know the saying that when you meet someone for the first time, within 5 minutes you have made your lasting impression on the other party.  Well, within those first 5 minutes, Mr. Prospect has already tuned you out because read more…

Networking- The 30 Sec Commercial

Sometimes when you offer a service, it is difficult to explain or describe exactly what it is that you do. For example, if you say you are a Business Coach.  What exactly does that mean?  What do you really do! The Key Step here is to:   Give an example of how you have helped a client. One of the main purposes of a good, effective 30-Second Commercial is to be able to relay in layman’s terms: 1.  What it is that you do for a living? 2.  Who is your target market? 3.  Why should someone be interested in what you have to sell–your value read more…

Strategic Alliances: A Great Way to Leverage your Expertise or Product Offerings

A Strategic Alliance is a joint venture between two companies or two people in the co-relational industries. As a small company in the industrial packaging industry, for 16 years I have used strategic alliances at Edge Packaging Systems, www.edgepackaging.com, to leverage and maximize my offerings to clients. How I have accomplished this is to partner with companies who have expertise in areas that I have either cursory knowledge or they can provide me with a look of a much larger organization than I am thus being able to provide my clients with just about anything they need. Some examples of how you can create read more…


Peggy’s Pointers of kNOTS A networking event is kNOT the place to sell. The networking meeting is the place to make connections, make appointments and agreements for future linking. Do kNOT shove a business card into everybody’s hand. Wait until someone asks you for your card. Do kNOT automatically put anyone on your newsletter or distribution list without prior permission. Be careful with this because some networking organizations do not allow members to be solicited.  This is a form of solicitation and you could jeopardize your business opportunities with the group. Do kNOT promote more than 1 business at an event. This is read more…

Business Networking: What is it exactly?

What exactly does the term Business Networking mean?  Over the many years that I’ve been involved in a B2B networking organization, I have been able to narrow the definition down to 5 Key pointers: –It is:  Being Passionate about Giving First. –It is:  Building and Developing Synergy Partners. –It is:  Sharing your expertise and talents. –It is:  Being a resource and connector of people. –It is:  You’re EDGE over your Competition! When you can incorporate and accomplish all of these elements in your sales activities, you will not have to cold call again.  For 15 years that I have owned my packaging company, I have read more…

Welcome to 2014 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year to my clients, vendors, friends and family. As we embark on another year of our lives, where do you see yourself going? Do you see yourself changing jobs, lifestyles, even your hairdo? When I look at the prospects of 2014, I have to reflect on the many thanksgivings of 2013 as 1 more year cancer free and healthy, 1 more year as a self-employed individual which I love, and a loving family that supports me in all that I do just to name a few. In 2014, my hopes and dreams are about being the best that I can be read more…

Core Strengths - do you know what yours are?

Recently I took the Clifton Strengthsfinder(tm) test to determine what my core strengths are.  This test is absolutely amazing in that it can pinpoint who I am and what I’m all about. I have known for years that I’d rather eat barbed wire than do anything related to accounting.  Although in my business, quite often I am required to look at the bottom-line numbers of my company, however, this is the least favorite thing on my “to-do” list. Give me a widget to sell; sign me up to work the booth at a trade show; show me a new product that solves some read more…

ROI - Business Networking

What you see is what you get!  How many times do we apply this little statement to things we do or think?  Yet when it comes to Business Networking, do you really know what you are getting out of your networking efforts?  It’s not all about $$/cents. A few of Peggy’s Pointers on networking could net really great results: Have clear cut goals for your networking activities. Set aside time to develop the connections you make at events so that they become relationships, not just someone on a list of people you know. Work on your 30-second commercial so that others will know read more…

Peggy's Pointers on Business: What is Your Consistency Level?

Consistency –  “ The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.” Think about professional athletes – most of them are not superstars like Michael Jordan but they achieve their professional status by performing at a high level of consistently over and over. How consistent are you at what you do best?  When you figure this out, it will be “your Edge over your competition.  Therefore, examine your successes; create an action plan to do more of this; then, go for it! Peggy P. Edge © 2013

Peggy's Pointers on Sales - Asking Clients for Advice

When was the last time you ask one of your clients for his wisdom or knowledge? Having been in professional sales for 30+ years, I have seen my share of “hot-shot salesmen” who are constantly in sales mode.  They drive up and down the street with one thing in mind…sell something to someone at all costs. However, a really good salesman knows that they have to look and act like they don’t really need a sale.  How can they do this? * Ask your client for his wisdom or knowledge. * Ask…what has been your experience with xyz? * Ask…how has this helped read more…

Peggy's Pointers - GateKeepers and How to get Past

How do you to Get Past the GateKeeper? Being in sales for over 30 years I’ve had my fair share of cold calling and furthermore my fair share of trying to get past the GateKeeper…that person who holds the keys to the door to the most important person on my call list for the day. The most interesting conversation with a GateKeeper I’ve ever had involved me walking into a company one day and asking the receptionist who I would need to talk to who purchased their packaging products.  The lady said, “Well that would be Joe Bob.”  So I asked, “Would it read more…

What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition? Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different. I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere. So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies read more…

Professionalism in the Market Place

I have been asked to speak to the Nursing students at a local college.  I look forward to sharing my 30+ years of war stories in sales with these young people. Most likely they will roll their eyes at some of my fuddy-duddy ideas of being a professional in the marketplace.  However, some rules never go out of style like, dressing for success not dressing to your own desire–pants-on-the-ground, pink hair, body piercings, etc. Every industry has prescribed guidelines for what is professional in their market.  Before you go to that first interview you should be aware that you will be meeting someone read more…

To write or not to write...that is the question!

Hugh Prather wrote in “Notes to Myself,” “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing then the desire is not to write.” With the invention of social media, that is all we are doing now is writing.  All of us are writing about something–our likes, dislikes, our religious persuasion, our political stance, comments on cats, dogs, ex-husbands and wives, etc. Because every single one of us is an expert in something, now we have the venue to spout out our innermost thoughts and opinions. For years, I thought my only expertise was what I did for a living–packaging.  I don’t read more…


LinkedIn® Summary – Outlines your Personal Brand

Your LinkedIn® Summary can be used to layout your personal brand. This is where you can shine to the marketplace.  Remember that prospects and clients alike will vet you through your LinkedIn® Profile. You want to look as professional as possible on paper. The old saying that people make a judgment about you within the first few minutes of meeting you applies to your professional LI profile as well. This is why your LI Summary is so very important. To craft an effective Summary here are a few pointers that you can include to help outline your expertise, your company and what/how others read more…

Cold Calling is Dead!

Cold Calling is DEAD!  Would you like to grow your business exclusively with warm referrals?   For over 20 years, in the industrial packaging business, I have been growing my business through my professional circle of connections, never cold calling! I’m a firm believer that you can “Make Connections and Seize Opportunities”™ solely through your professional circle of connections to close more sales. Using a 5-step program I developed several years ago on effective networking techniques, I now work with individuals, sales managers, and sales teams how to replicate the system in your business to book more business. I will coach you: How to draft read more…

Business Networking

Business Networking–what is it? Is Business Networking about attending a meeting,  gathering  business cards, calling those contacts to sell them?  Absolutely not! Many of us are sitting at our desks today trying to figure out where we are going in 2017 and how we will get there with our business.   Let’s explore a few key points that you can work on to get started for the year. It is: Being Passionate about Giving First. Zig Ziglar wrote in Closing the Sale:  “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Most read more…

30-Second Commercial: How to get THE EDGE

  What type of results do you receive when you give your 30-Second Commercial at networking events?  Do people really know what you go for a living after sit down?  Have you clearly relayed who is your ideal client?  What product or service do you offer? and Why would prospects have an interest in your offering? We are like a room full of 2-year olds, you want to grab the audience attention.  If you start with your name and company, you have not created any interest at all.  Therefore, always start your commercial with a question or a statement about your industry. 3-components read more…

Networking: "Place your Cell Phone on Silent"

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your electronic devices in silent mode during the meeting today.” Is it acceptable to make a phone call; send or receive text; or read your email while meeting with a prospect or client?  The answer is NO! I would venture to say that none of us would ever think about doing this in front of a client or prospect.   Yet week after week many of my fellow members of my networking group engage in some form of cell phone usage during our meeting. Why, then, has it become acceptable to text and read email it at networking read more…

Leadership: Drilling-down Decisions

Leadership is not always easy to accomplish and truly the decisions that we make are not always as simple to do without consequences or regrets.  Truly Thomas Paine’s quote, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way” is not a simple thing to accomplish. Do you wrestle with indecision when all options seem to be the best?  Or, are you hasty to make a decision only to find out later that you were a little too quick resulting in wrong decisions being made? Some of us are better at simply deciding and moving on whereas others belabor points over and over for fear read more…

Vendor Relationships

Sales: Providing Client List to Vendors

Do the manufacturers of the products you rep require that you reveal your client list as a condition to do business with them? Recently I was getting ready to purchase some packaging products for a client when the manufacturer wanted to know the name of my and how much product they buy from me annually. Initially, I responded to the email with all of the information that they requested. However, just before I hit the send button, I had second thoughts about this request. They didn’t give me an ultimatum but on numerous occasions of recent they wanted me to reveal the name read more…